Chapter 9: Death stalks us

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The remaining tension in the air was no longer lingering in the hospital, it had now leaked it's way out across the whole of Gotham. 

As I walked into the hospital reception a bleak atmosphere washes over the crystal whitewashed walls. The cool morning air brushing past me, my motor cycle helmet hooked in my elbow. Hundreds of patients bodies had been left in the hall ways, only a sheet covering their lifeless smiling grimaced expressions. The morge in the basement were overwhelmed, many corpses were awaiting for transfer to the numerous funeral homes dotted around Gotham. Until then, the overflowing corpses needed to stay where they had died. Almost like they were on display. My eyes stayed glued to my shoes as I walked through the recpetion. The normal busy hum was replaced with collective silence from everyone and everything, only the occasional murmur or stiffled whimper echoed out throughout the halls. I tried my best to hold back the pain filled girmace that was written across my face, the pacients needed to feel someone was in control. Even if I was a nurse, i would need to push away my personal struggles to the side to do my job. 

Just as my pale hand reached for the staff room door, I felt a small tug on my baggy leather jacket sleeve. I turned to see a small girl sheepishly looking up at me, a slight hunt if crimson lining the forming bags under her eyes. She couldn't have been older than 7 years old.
"Excuse me...miss?" She said quietly, her small clenched hand covering rho corner of her mouth. I know down to her eye level, a small polite smile on my lips.
"What's up sweetie?" My hushed voice asked.
"Are you a doctor here?"
"No. But I'm a pretty good nurse, what do you need?"
"My big brother, he's pretty sick right now." She kept glancing at her Mother who sat off in the distance, the exact same crimson lining her tired eyes as she whimper quietly into an old tissue. "Will he be okay?" She asked.
I froze for a moment, Un sure on how to answer. Under rules I wasn't allowed to lie to her, but saying 'I don't know' to a child....even I wasn't that heartless.
"Well, I just starting my shift now, so why don't you tell your mommy that I'll have a quick check on your brother as soon as I can." I said finally, the closest thing I could say honestly. She nodded slowly, her hand still clinging tightly to my jacket.

 "Okay." She said, her young voice void of emotion. The muscles in my knees stretched as I stood up to my somewhat tall structure. Before I could say a 'goodbye' to the young girl she had already bounded herself back to her Mother's side. I watched her Mother poorly attempt to hide her pain as her Daughter attempted to distract her with my words.

I felt my heart seize up in my ribcage, I couldn't image the pain they are going through right now.

Suddenly the monotone computer like voice echoed out through the hospital's booming intercom system.
"Attention staff; Attention staff; would 'Katherine Blakcwood', 'Kylie Cross', 'James Osbura' and 'Charlie Bennet' please come to the main office on the second floor. I repeat....."
Without waiting for the voice to repeat or slipping off my thick leather jacket, my tired feet began to walked towards the office. The growing anxiety slowly making its way up to my brain. Queations circled my brain, why did they need us? What happened? Have I done something?
I sharply shook my head as I contuined to walk at a steady pace. Thinking like this won't help anyone.

Before I could hesitate, I pulled open the dimly lit room. All eyes landed on me, Kylie and my co-workers James and Charlie wore a collective blanc expression. Stepping inside a unfamiliar gravely voice broke the silence. James leaned on the slim iron cabinets while Charlie stood with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Close the door would you?" The gravely voice asked politely. I almost jumped as I realsed the infamous Comissioner Gordon casually leaned on our boss's oak desk.
"What's happening?" I asked as I approached Kylie's side. Her eyes locked on with the Comissioner. Gordon lazily scared his aging, grey mustache before speaking.
"I wanted to ask a few questions about the last two nights attacks." Clearly the four of us wore a paniced or confused expression as Gordon quickly followed up with "This is not an integration. All four of you have been ilimitated as suspects for now."
"We're willing to do anything we can sir" James said tiredly. Gordon nodded to himself, a hint of relfie washed over him as he realised that this would be a lot easier than his usual questioning. "It seems that you four were in charge of the first patient to be affected? " He asked.
"That's right sir." Kylie answered for us, her eyes locked with his instead of mine. Her voice hiding any indercation of pity or saddness. Gordon nodded before casually breaking out his notebook, his middle aged brown eyes looking down at his slightly crumpled notes.
"Was there anything suspicious about his condition before his death?" He asked. James and Charlie gave a collective 'nope' while Kylie simply shook her head.
"It's seemed to be a cut and dry motorbike accident." I said.
"Hmm, who worked out that the blood parcels were the source?"
"A co-worker of ours, Joanna. Hers team didn't need to use a blood parcel and so the paicent wasn't affected." Charlie finally answered, his skinny arms folded across his chest.
"What about the second time?"
Silence filled the room.
"Have you found the cause yet?"
"We're not sure yet." Kylie said eventually, all of our eyes looked down at the ground. The lack of knowledge towards the second attack baffled us. Based on the information that I had gathered from last night's attack, it seemed as though random patients began to laugh uncontrollably until their hearts gave out.
"It's okay, my team will take over from here. All of you please operate as normal." Gordon said. Without saying another word, all of us turned and began to move towards the single door.

"Miss Blackwood can I talk with you privately please?" Gordon's voice holted me just a few feet from the exit. Kylie and I shared a breif look, I gave her a tired, closed lip smile. 

"I'll see you soon " I whispered quielty, before Kylie could object or ask to stay, I shut the door. I turned to Gordon, not saying a word. My arms numbly clutched to stomach, i allowed Gordon to speak first. 
"It's pretty common knowledge that the GCPD works along side Batman." Gordon began. He stepped off from the desk and towards me, slipping his notebook into his back pocket.
"Most of us don't like it, but he close cases...It's also pretty common knowledge that Batman works with Redhood."

I shifted in my stance, my arms falling to my side. I could tell where this conversation was going.

"I've been told that, at some point or another, you were helping Redhood, Is that true?"

I nodded but couldn't help but roll my eyes at my own words. "Well. Not recently, I'm 'staying out of it' if that is your concern."
Gordon's hand gripped his chin as he nodded to himself, my words sinking into his brain. I could see the cogs in his brain turning, clearly thinking of what to say next or considering on how much truth was in my statement. 
"Good. We'll be watching you and your co-workers very closely so just now that you're safe." he said finally. I wanted to smile at his reasuring words reminding me of my Dad but the added protection they were adding to the hospital caught me off guard.  
"What do you mean by that? Do you not think this is a random attack?" I asked, my brow raised.  
He paused.His tongue pushing against the side of his mouth before considering on whether or not to tell me. 

"At this point we don't know, we never do with a basket case like the joker. He's unpredictable at worse. All we do know is that everyone here is at risk." He admitted. "Espically you at this point."

I nodded slowly, "Thanks." I muttered out, an uncomfortable feeling running up my brain.

"Unfortunately, we don't have the grounds to specifically give you protection. Though, there no reason to panic as there's no evidence to suggest that he's targeting you pacifically."

"I understand."

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