Chapter 20: Let's play, find the phone

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Jason's boots rapidly ran towards the empty gaping safehouse. Remnants of smoke and spray paint fumed the air and leaked out the wide hole at the front of the safehouse. Kylie lingered by the door; her body almost slumped at the frame. Her eyes and body language screamed of checked out shock. Jason moved past her. His anger boiling so high, he only had one target in mind.

"Where are they?" He screamed as he rushed in, Kylie's head sharply snapped up. Suddenly aware of his presence. Her doe eyes open and wide with fear, without moving she watched him come in, shortly followed by Batman silently. Tim came clumsily jogging in, the split lip and swollen shut eye a deep purple with small crusts of dried blood. Alfred following after him.

"Jace..."Tim began but was cut off. Before anyone could do a thing Jason's gloved hands pulled Tim's swollen, bruised face close to his. If it wasn't for the unbearable numbing pain in his face, Tim would feel the hot, angry breath of his brother's breath.

"YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO KEEP HER SAFE!" He yelled. Bruce came wading in, positioning himself between his two sons but nothing could release Jason's tight grip on Tim.

"Master Todd" Alfred's voice boomed out. Jason ignore him. Kylie's arms tightly coiled around her waist, anxiety taking a hold of her completely. Her mind fleeing back from the stress as quickly as she could.

"Jace...I'm sorry. I was outnumbered." He choked out through the tight hold on his collar.

"Jason. enough." Bruce said finally. Jason bitterly let go of his brother. His lip quivered as he stepped back, pure rage making his now clench fists shake violently.

"How long have they been gone?" Bruce asked Alfred, knowing he was the only calm on in the room that could give him a straight answer.

"A few hours, Master Bruce" He said smoothly.

"Hey" Kylie muttered, her eyes clicking back into reality, but her voice was so quiet no one heard her.

"I need to find her." he said, already turning on his heel to make his way back to the crimson motorcycle that waited for him in the safe house garage. "They'll still be close by."

"You don't know where you're going" Tim protested. His hand reaching for his wrist and just catching it before he could lose him to the darkness of the world outside. Jason stopped in his tracks and sharply struck his wrist out of Tim's tight grip.

"I'll set out drones and ride down the city till I find that piece of-" He began but was cut off by Tim's second desperate plea. Knowing full well that Jason would drive himself insane in another desperate search like this.

"Jace please-" he began but cut himself off as he was meet with a bitter glare from Jason.

"Tim, I don't want you to talk to me right now."

"Hey" she said again, her voice trying to be louder but as the dysfunctional bat family's heated argument began to grow her voice was once again lost.

"Master Todd, listen to sense we-"

"HEY!" she screamed out. The room finally fell silent, as all the eyes of the room shifted towards her, her anxiety began to grow back as quickly as the sudden burst of voice had come. "S-she took something with her. I-I think" she stuttered out, her voice becoming more quiet and meek. Jason calmly stepping towards her. Tim tried his best to stay on his clearly muscle torn ankle.

"Are you sure?" He asked. His voice and whole-body language taking a significantly calmer and kinder tone. Kylie nodded. "Y-yeah." she muttered out.

Jason almost cracked with a relieved smile but stopped himself sort, turning back in to the cool and collected Red Hood, he straightened his spine.

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