Sinelo Hazerner

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Rebel's POV

The day after the game where I totally deserve an award for playing like a beast!

Um, anyways, the day was just so..well...boring.

Harry and the others were out for a photo shoot and they also had an interview.

Daisy had to work the entire day and it turned out that Katy goes to school.

I literally thought she was like 19 or 20!

Anyways, I spent the day in Daisy's room watching chick flics and eating the ice cream that was left in Daisy's fridge.

As the chick flick that I was watching ended I got up to go get my suitcase that I haven't unpacked. I wanted to change into something more comfortable instead of these tight skinny jeans and this shirt Daisy let me burrow that was not the best...

As I opened the suitcase a card fell out of it.

I never really read it but I knew it was from Sileno(Sil-en-ow) Hazener(Hayz-en-er) . It's an unusual name, I know but that was the name of the love of my life....

He gave me this note right before he died..

I didn't read it because I knew it would 'cause more pain than what I was already in.

I picked the note up and stared at it as a tear trickled down my cheek.

I knew he loved because he told me..


I placed my hand in Sileno's big one. He turned to look at me with a huge smile. I smiled back.

"You know, you are the most beautiful person I ever met," Sileno said and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

"No, you are. No denying it," I pointed out. Sileno gave me another kiss but this time on the lips. His blue eyes sparkled in the moonlight and his blonde hair was in a sexy messy way. Right now we were at a park sitting on a bench without even caring if there was paparazzi around. 

"I love you."

Those three words made me freeze and made the smile on my face drop. That was the second time I heard those words being said to me but the other one wasn't true. That's what made me freeze. I wasn't sure if he was telling the truth.

I just decided to run away and leave him alone in the park.


He was also the only one who called me Jordyn without me correcting him.

Anyways, I ran and ran all the way to the castle. I didn't see him after the week after that.

And when I did see him, he told me something shocking....he had a decease that could kill him. He wasn't sure when he was going to die but he knew he would die. My heart sank. That day I cried myself to sleep.

A few days later I went to the hospital to see him...he was dying..

I held his hand tightly against my chest as I sobbed loudly.


He handed me a note slowly and weekly. As I grabbed it his eyes slowly started closing....and I started hearing beeping.

I lay on his chest as I bawled my eyes out, screaming stuff like, "No! Don't leave me!"

That was when I knew that he truly loved me...I could feel it..

"I love you..," I whispered softly.

End of Flashback

I wonder if things would've been the same if Sileno was still here.

I then slowly opened the note Sileno gave me. It read:

Dear Jordyn,

When you read this, I would have already passed on to a better life. I just wanted to let you know that you are the key to my heart. I have always loved you from the beginning . Though, it really hurt me when you ran off like that when I told you I loved you. Why did you do it?

Anyways, Jordyn, I really hope someday you will find someone else better than me and that you will have a prince charming and a happy ever after. You deserve one.

Please never forget about me and know I will always be there for you dead or alive. I know I 'caused you so much pain for passing away but it was my time darling. Please move on.  For me.


The last five words kept playing in my head, " Please move on. For me."

"I will move on Sileno. For you."




Here's a part of it:

Wish I knew back then, what I know now, Wish I could somehow, go back in time and maybe listen to my own advise. I tell her to speak up, tell her to shout out. Talk a bit louder, be a bit prouder. Tell her she's beautiful, wonderful, everything she doesn't seeeeee. You got to speak up you got to shout out, and now that right here right now. You can be beautiful, wonderful, anything you wanna be...Little me..


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