Oh shoot!

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Rebel's POV

It's been like an hour since Hairball has been trying to 'climb' the tower and I am starting to lose hope. Okay, it's only been 10 to 15 minutes.

Anyways, I am still NOT going to forgive Hairball, but I will at least not call him Hairball IF he actually get's me out of this tower.

Though, I'm pretty sure that will never happen.

So, here I am curled up in this cold place as the night grew even darker. I shivered as I hugged my knees up to my chest.

"Harry! Harry!,"

I heard an Irish voice from outside, followed by someone shushing them. I would've done the same thing because my parents are asleep right now.

Oh my parents. I hate them.

And I'm not saying it like" I hate them for now" kind of hate but "I seriously hate them" kind of hate.

"Niall? What are you doing here?" I heard Hairball say.

"The question is, what are you doing here? It's already night and we had to leave like 30 minutes ago. We are going to have to cancel the performance in London," Niall said.

I got up from my position and walked towards the window.

"Yeah Hairball, just leave," I said just about ready to throw something at Hairball for taking so long and being so annoying!

"Hairball?" I heard Niall say.

I groaned.

"Can you just go? I'll just die up here all alone! Go!," I whined.

I'm not so sure from the distance I am and where Hairball is, but I think he rolled his eyes.

I walked away from the window and looked at the locked up door.

Crossing my arms, an idea came up to me...

Harry's POV

"No, Niall. I am NOT going to blow up the castle!," I said getting agitated.

It was obvious Niall is trying to stall me.

"You no what? I'm hungry. Lets look for a Nandos!"

I rolled my eyes.

If only there was a way to get Rebel out.

"Hmm.....," I thought. That was when I heard a loud bang.

And another.

And another.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

What is going on?

"HEY! YOU GUYS OVER THERE! FREEZE!," I heard someone scream.

It didn't take long for Niall and I to do what the person said.

"Well it's about time good security guards show up ," I thought.

Niall started walking backwards towards me, obviously scared.

"This is all you're fault Harry. This wouldn't have happened if you weren't such an asshole!," Niall whispered in my ear.

I rolled my eyes.

Just then I saw the door to the tower that I never saw bust open and fall on the ground.

Rebel stood with fist. She then winced at the pain as she looked at her knuckles. I waved at her slowly sort of forgeting I was about to probably get arrested.

Rebel walked up to me looking as angry as Daisy was. Suddenly, she slapped me right accros the face!

"Ow! What was that for?!," I yelled covering my red cheek.

 She crossed her arms and said, "You were the one who put me in there!, " she replied.

I glared at her.

"Yeah, but I got you out!"

 Rebel then rolled her blue eyes.

"Where's daisy?," she asks as a smirk tugs on my face.

" Oh wouldn't you like to know!," I reply. She was about to say something ,but I was suddenly tackled down to the grown.

I could hear Rebel gasp.

Rebel's POV

I gasped.

Tyler, one of our security guards was on top of Harry and another security guard that I don't know tackled Niall down.

My eyes widened as I slowly backed away.

"Dude! Take Harry! Not me nor Niall," I yelled.

"Hey!," I heard Harry try to say from all the weight on him. Oh and Tyler wasn't the skinniest security guards if you know what I mean!

Tyler pulled Harry's hands behind his back and handcuffed them. The other security guard did the same to Niall.

That was when I got the strength and courage.

"Oh that is it! I command you to let them go bucko! I am Princess Jordyn Paul and one day ruler of this kingdom!"

"But your majesty!-"

"But nothing!," I yelled.

Wow, I just noticed how fun this is!

I heard Tyler sigh as he let Harry go. He then motioned the other security guard to let Niall go as well.

"Your majesty, you still know that we are going to lock you up, right?  Your parents orders," Tyler said.

"No. My parents changed there minds. They said I am free to go," I lied as Niall and Harry got up.

"Yes your majesty."

The security guards walked away as I glared at Harry. That glare disappeared once Niall hugged me REALLY tight.


I gave Harry a confused look followed with a shrug.

"Oh sorry! I just- just.'' Niall then realized he was still hugging me and let go.

I laughed as he blushed.

Then, I was about to say something, but I heard my dads voice.




Anyways....um so I am going to dedicate this chapter to...(drum roll please) @Harryscheekyprincess !

She was actually the one who helped me with this chapter so, why not?! THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Okay well BYE!!!!!


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