Chapter 17!

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Niall's POV.

I'll admit it. I do have a crush on Jordyn.  So what?! I don't care if Harry fancy's her as well!

"You what?" Harry asked. I looked up at him with my cheeks a light shade of red.

"I like her..," I muttered. Okay. Maybe I do care if Harry likes her. Harry doesn't want to admit that he does, but he does!

"Oooooo. Shit just got real!" Louis said, before getting a glare from Harry and a disappointed look from Liam and Zayn.

Harry was about to say something, but stopped himself.

"Okay. Whatever," was all he said before walking away.

I sighed.

"Niall, don't feel bad. Harry's been acting like a dick. It's not your fault," Zayn said as he sat down next to me.

"It's not that. I feel bad for Jordyn. I mean, come on. She's done nothing wrong!"

I stood up and slowly walked to the kitchen. I don't understand why our fans think I eat too much. I don't eat that much! But I do love food... 

Oops! Got off topic.

Anyways, I opened the fridge and looked around.

"What to eat, what to eat?" I asked myself. I ended up just grabbing an apple.

"Hey, Niall! I heard Liam yell, " You want to go to Nandos?"

I liked the way he acted like nothing happened. He just seemed to forget all about it. Sometimes, I wish I could be like him.

"Um, no thanks."

I took a bite into my red apple.

Suddenly, Louis ran over to me. He felt my forehead.

"You don't have a temperature. Hmm. Have you been feeling alright lately?" he asked.

I just rolled my eyes and looked away.

6 Months later~

Rebel's POV.

"Oh come on Rebel! You look amazayn in that dress!" Marian told me as she checked every inch of me in a dress she picked out for me.

I don't want to get into why I'm actually wearing a dress, but let me just tell you, never lose a bet.

I groaned.

"Do I really have to wear this?! " I complained. What?! Dresses are NOT my thing!

I turned around and looked at my reflection of my ass in the mirror.

"This thing even makes my ass look big, Mary(Marian)!"

I did a little twirl as I looked down at the short green puffy thing.

"Don't cuss! It's bad, and it doesn't make you sound cool!..... At all!" Marian yelled before throwing one of my skull pillows.

I grabbed the pillow before it hit me and smirked.

"Well, I'm fucking sorry for saying shit, like "ass", and at least be thankful I didn't say "hell", "motherfucker", and "bitch"." I replied as my smirk got bigger.

She just rolled her eyes.  I laughed as she got up from the bed and said," Come on. I want to go walk around the city with you in that dress."

This time, she was the one smirking.

I threw the pillow back on my bed, and groaned again.


"I'll wait for you outside," Mary replied as she walked outside of the room.

"Don't get raped while your there!" I yelled towards her.

I could here her laugh from the hallways.

"I'll try!"  I heard her call back.


 I walked along the sidewalk with Mary right next to me.

It was all silent while Mary started texting on her phone.

"Hmm. It seems like your worse nightmare just became true," Mary muttered.

"My dad's back?!" I yelled as I had a tiny heart attack.


Mary was suddenly interrupted by a terribly loud scream.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I heard voices scream from behind me. Before I turned around and found out what was going on, I was suddenly tackled to the ground..... By Niall.

" I am so sorry, love! Wait! Rebel?!" He asked.

He bolted up off me as I groaned in pain. I picked myself up.

Once I did, I could see all five familiar faces.

Marian was still on the floor, so I helped her up.

Once I did, they all stared at me.  

"That's what I meant. " Mary whispered before I glared at her.


A/N: So short! So sorry! I am really terribly sorry I haven't updated, and I am also sorry this story is a little rushed!

But hey! I UPDATED!!


( This chapter is also dedicated to THE LOVELY @cookiemonster2252)



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