The Ashes Of Ebony

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OKAY!!! So this is my new story. I hope u all like it. this wont be exactly like the series because u all know what happens so the major things will happen but I dont want to just rewrite the story in the OC's POV. the setting is in the fifth book and the character doesn't do some of the things so just kind of keep in mind things are happening without her so dont get all confused.


I changed my mind about who plays Ebony. So it's changed from Kristen Dunst to Emmy Rossum. THat means that Ebony NO LONGER HAS RED HAIR!!!! So any time it says something about her red hair, pretend it says black, or brown. Thank you!

***EDIT OUT***

Xox Mandy <3's U!!!!!


The Ashes Of Ebony

Chapter 1


It's very important in life.

Too bad some people think otherwise.

"EBONY, GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE!" My sister yelled. I groaned into my pillow and ignored her. She was an early riser the total opposite of me. I heard some thuds btu they were faint from all the way upstairs in my room.

"Ebony, if you don't get up I will get water." I heard her warn sounding a lot closer. My eyes widened as I sat straight up. I glared at her smirking face.

"Nymphadora Tonks if you do-" I didn't get to finsih because she tackled me onto my bed making me scream.

"Don't call me Nymphadora." She growled her hair turning bright red. I bit my lips to stop from laughing and nodded.

"Ok. Will You get oof me?" I asked. She rolled her eyes and got off letting me up. I looked at the clock on my wall and graoned dramaticly when I saw it was 9:00 in the morning.

"Why on earth would you wake me up at 9:00 in the morning?" I whined as I walked into my small bathroom. She laughed and replied as I began to brush my teeth.

"Because we are leaving at 10:00 for the train station." She replied before walked out of my room. Again my eyes widened as I spit in the sink. I smiled both happily and misteviously. Today I am going to Hogwarts. YAY! I have never been to Hogwarts. My parents always home schooled me. They never told me why but I'm the type of person to go with the flow. Most of the time. This wasn't one of those times. I was always asking them why I couldn't go to wizard school but they always told me to go to my room with a sad look on their face's. I stepped into the shower with the warm water beging to run down my back. I quickly got my hair wet and then changed it to cold. My sister says I'm really weird because I do that but I just say chicken. I love to confuse people.

"Ebony, did you finish packing last night?" My mothers voice called over the sound of running water. I giggled before replying as loud as I could.

"YES MOM!" I yelled and then began laughing to myself. I vaguley heard her chuckle before I stopped the running water and stepped out of the shower wrapping a towel around me. I quickly blow dreid my hair and changed into some jeans and a shirt that said love on it ( External Link). I also wore a blakc tutu over the jeans. I'm so awesome with fashion sense. I quickly I pulled my red hair into a high pony tail with my side bangs hanging down in my face and put a polka dotted headband in. I walked out of the bathroom in a really dramatic slow type of way. Too bad no one was in there to witness my awesomeness. I shrugged and grabbed my trunk from the foot of my bed. I had to lug it down the stairs as it had all of my belongings and school supplies in it. You would be surprised at how heavy that could be. Or not.

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