Chapter 17

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Ebony's POV

I felt a windy breeze and snuggled closer to what I thought was my pillow. But it felt harder than the pillow I had on my camp bed at the Weasley's. And then there was the fact that my pillow was moving. And then I remembered that the Weasley's house burnt down and my eyes snapped open. As I opened my eyes I jumped slightly after hearing a loud caw. I looked up to see the hawk from the forest sitting atop a rock, only this time a small female raven was sitting next to it. Again I frowned at them and turned back around. The thing I thought was my pillow, ended up being Draco, I realized as I opened my eyes. I was hugging him around the waist and laying on top of his chest as I slept. He was staring down at me as he rested up against a large rock though. He smirked at me as I opened my eyes.

"Comfy." He said. I scowled at him and sat up leaning on the rock next to him. I leaned on his shoulder getting a slight head rush from waking up so fast.

"Where are we?" I asked confused as I looked around me at the tall grass. He seemed a bit hesitant but answered anyway.

"The Weasley's house. Out front." He said. I nodded and looked up. I could barley see the house over the tall grass. But it wasn't a house anymore. The fire had gone out over night, since it had to be around nine or ten in the morning right now, and it was a black, smoking, and charred mess now. It was hardly recognizable. I frowned at it and looked at Draco sideways.

"Why are we still here?" I asked realizing that the Weasley's and Harry weren't still here. Nor were Remus and Tonks or Hermione.

"We had to spend the night. You fell asleep and I didn't want to wake you up." He said. I nodded closing my eyes for a second. I still felt very tired since I went to bed really late. I sat up slightly and crossed my legs still leaning on Draco's shoulder.

"Do you know where they are?" I asked realizing they probably think I'm either dead or the Death Eaters took me.

"No. Are you still mad at me?" He asked warily. I thought for a second and then shook my head.

"Nah. I know you couldn't save everyone. But they did all get out right?" I asked warningly. He nodded smirking.

"Yeah. I am sorry though." He added just to be sure I wasn't mad at him. I rolled my eyes.


"I'm serious."

"No you're not."

"I am."

"You name isn't Sirius?" I said smirking up at him. He rolled his eyes.

"Why would I be named after a criminal?" He asked. My smile faltered slightly and I nodded.

"Yeah. We should probably figure out where they are since they probably think I'm dead or something." I said. He nodded and stood up. He helped me off of the ground and I stretched my aching back. Sleeping outside on the ground is not very comfortable.

"My back hurts." I complained. He rolled his eyes as he cracked his fingers.

"So does mine. At least you didn't have anyone sleeping on top of you." He said smirking at me. I narrowed my eyes at him and smacked his arm.

"I don't weigh that much." I said. He just shook his head.

"So what's the plan?" He asked. I thought about where they would go. Remus and Tonks could go home along with Bill and Fluer, but I'm sure they went with everyone else to wherever to help out. Fred and George probably went back to the shop. That's it! The shop!

"We should go to Wizard Weasley Whizzes. Fred and George will probably be there." I said. I guessed he knew where that was because he held out his arm. I grabbed it and a second later I was pulled through a tube. A cawing noise was heard as we apperated though it sounded weird since we left in the middle of it. A second after that I landed with a thud, as I fell to the ground, in front of the shop.

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