Chapter 13

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It has alternate meanings..... HUGS AND KISSES or OXES OXES OXES!!!

This is going to be a long chapter because I feel like it and YOU GUYS DESERVE IT!!!

The EXTERNAL LINK!! Is of her dress!! Which you will find out later about!


Oh ok well bye......


Xox Shortie


Chapter 13

I stepped off the carriage followed by Ginny, Ron, Hermione, and Neville. Harry and Draco were no where to be found along with Nick. I assumed they would all be at the feast so went along with it. I had told the others what happened with Slughorn and Nick, which they all seemed to expect. I still thought he was acting weird but not exactly mean.

"Just be careful Ebony. We don't want to see you get hurt." Hermione warned. I nodded stepping into the warm entrance hall.

"Yeah I know, it just seemed very odd. Out of place almost." I told her. She shrugged looking around for Harry. I waved to them as I walked to the Slytherin table taking a seat at the end. Draco came in just as Dumbledore started the speech sitting next to Pansy and Blaise. I listened to Dumbledore's speech but it mostly went in one ear and out the other. After he finished his speech the food appeared and I ate alone. Draco was at the other end of the table telling Blaise and Pansy some hilarious story while Nick sat near him casting me worried glances as I ate. I ignored both of them and stared at the Gryffindor table as Harry appeared halfway through the fast. He was bleeding from his nose which looked broken. Ginny was wiping the blood from his nose while Hermione and Ron asked him what happened. He looked over at me annoyed with all of their questions. I smirked and raised my eyebrows at him. He smiled and shook his head turning back to his potatoes. I finished the rest of my meal thinking about Nick. I couldn't think of any reason why he would want to know so badly? Near the end of the feast Nick left. It wasn't that much earlier but no one leaves early from a feast. I stared after him as he left and shook my head looking down at my food. The hall was quite noisy so I couldn't hear another person get up and leave the hall. Dumbledore bid us all goodnight a couple minutes later and everywhere hustled to get out of the hall quickly. I made my way over to the Gryffindor table quickly to see if Harry was all right.

"You okay Harry?" I asked him as they all stood up. He shrugged glad to not have a napkin up his bleeding nose anymore.

"Yeah, I guess." He said as we began to walk out of the hall.

"What happened?" I asked him. He scowled in the direction of the Slytherins and I sighed knowing what was coming next.

"Malfoy." He sneered. I rolled my eyes stopping to look at him. Hermione and Ron were listening to our conversation while Ginny and Neville went off to the common room.

"Harry, he's my friend get over it." I told him. Harry shook his head giving me worried look.

"But Ebony, he's a Death Eater." Harry told me. My eyes widened in surprise before scowling at him.

"And how do you know that?" I asked angrily. Harry glanced at Malfoy across the hall and then looked back at me. Hermione and Ron seemed confused like they didn't know about this.

"On the train, I er- spied on him." I glared at him turning to walk away. I had told Nick I would talk to him after the feast and I wanted to know why he was so interested.

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