Chapter 4

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Yes, Yes I know ANOTHER chapter!! But I just love writing this book!

So PLEASE give me feedback!!

I really hope you guys are liking this book!

Yeah so.... bye

Xox Shortie <3's U!


Chapter 4

"Who was that!? Why was he in the fire?!" I repeated to the speechless trio. Ron's eyes were wide like he was caught in the act, which he was, as he opened his mouth and closed it like a fish.

"It was a er- hallucination?" Ron suggested. I narrowed my eyes at him and put my hand on my hip angrily.

"Why was there a dude's face in the fire!" I asked again. No one seemed to be able to find an answer.

"Look Ebony, we really need you to just forget about this. Please!" Hermione begged me. I looked from her and to the fire where the man's head was.

"Sirius..." I whispered under my breath. My eyes widened as I remembered where I knew it from.

"Sirius Black! That's who it was!" I said loudly. Harry jumped up and slapped his hand over my mouth. I stumbled backwards and fell onto the couch with him falling on top of me. I pushed him off of me moaning in pain.

"Harry, how much do you weigh?" I asked standing up. A slight smile came up on his lips but then it went away.

"You know where Sirius Black is?" I asked my eyes shining. Hermione and Ron joined Harry on the couch not knowing wether to answer or not. As I thought of that name a memory flashed through my mind. One of my only memories from childhood was from when I was a couple months old. I was lying in a crib looking up at a man's face. He had black hair that reached his shoulders and he was looking down on me smiling. It was a simple memory but I always saw it in dreams and it made me happy.

"I know him! Or at least I think I do?" I said confusing myself. They all gave me confused looks.

"What?" Harry asked. I smiled at them.

"Can I meet him?" I asked eagerly. I don't know why I was so eager but I just felt that I should know the man in the memory.

"What Sirius? Oh we don't know him-" Ron said quickly. I rolled my eyes.

"I heard Harry say his name! Plus I think he knows me so it's okay. I don't think he's a criminal just so you know. Or at least that's what my mom always told me." I said remembering how she used to read the Daily Prophet and tell me "That Sirius Black. I'll tell you now that he is not a criminal." She would say smiling.

"I'm really confused?" Hermione said. I sighed.

"When I was a baby there was this man over my crib and I'm pretty sure that it's Sirius Black!" I said. All three looked at me like I was crazy.

"Come on please? At least let me send him a letter? He's my mom's cousin. Which I think makes him my uncle?" I said confusing myself again. Harry sighed dropping his head.

"Fine. But you can't see him or tell anyone about this." He said giving in. I knew he would eventually because I would have threatened to tell. Of course I wouldn't actually tell but they don't know that. I smiled jumping on him in a hug.

"Oh thank you!" I said getting off of him. Hermione had a tiny grin on her face while Ron still seemed confused.

"So how do you know him? hAve you seen him recently? Well besides the fire of course." I said smiling and talking quickly.

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