Chapter 7

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I hope you guys enjoy this chapter........

I'm getting closer and closer to the good parts :)

Xox Shortie <3's U!


Chapter 7

Over the next few weeks all I did was go to classes, do homework, and go to Quidditch practice. It seemed all of my friends were too busy with their secret club and I never saw them anymore. I seemed to be spending more time with Malfoy than my friends. Weird. But now we have our first game against each other and I have a good feeling about today. I know it sounds Slytheriny but I hope we win. That'll show them to keep secrets from me.

On the morning of the game I arrived at the hall late after sleeping in. I decided to skip breakfast and head straight to the pitch but as I was leaving the entrance hall Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked out of the Great Hall. Ron looked like he had seen a ghost he was so pale. I skipped over to them smiling.

"Hey guys." I said. Harry and Hermione smiled at me while Ron managed a weak smile.

"Good luck guys." Hermione said making her exit. She gave me a look that only passed between girls would it be understood. I smiled at her as she stood on her toes reaching up and kissing Ron on the cheek. She did the same to Harry and giggled leaving the hall. She left both the boys blushing but mostly Ron I giggled at Ron's face. Now he looked like he had seen an angel or something. He was touching the spot on his cheek where Hermione had kissed him with a dreamy look on his face.

"Yeah, good luck. You're going to need it." I said and reached up kissing them both on the cheek. They both blushed again as I skipped out of the hall. I met Hermione outside with a grin on her face.

"Did you see his face?" I asked coming up behind her. She turned around and laughed.

"That was priceless. But it seemed to help him a bit." She said grinning. I nodded giggling.

"They were both blushing like crazy when I left." I said. She laughed again as we neared the stands.

"Well, I gotta go prepare to be a keeper. You know it's weird, playing against you guys when I'm so used to being friends." I said smirking. Hermione rolled her eyes climbing up into the stands. I ran to the changing room and changed quickly. I listened to the pep talk and waited out on the field for the Gryffindors. When they came out Madam Hooch blew the whistle and the game began.


"Harry! NO!" I screamed jumping over to him. He had just charged Malfoy after Malfoy insulted the Weasley's and Harry after losing the game. Of course I was mad about losing but I didn't go and insult them. Harry and George had jumped on Malfoy punching him while Malfoy yelped in pain fighting back. The Gryffindor chasers were all holding Fred back from jumping on Malfoy. I somehow managed to squeeze myself between the boys pushing Harry and George back away from the bleeding Malfoy. Even if it was only a minute Malfoy was still pretty bloody while George had a bleeding lip. Harry seemed okay just angry. I glared at the two boys turning around to Malfoy.

"Are you okay?" I asked carefully. He glared at me sitting up.

"Why'd you care?" He spat at me. I frowned standing up. I glared down at him as he stood up wincing in pain.

"Cause you're still apart of my Quidditch team. We can't play without a Seeker." I said and glared at him turning back around to face George and Harry. Both boys were glaring at me while Fred managed to calm down. Several onlookers had wide eyes while Madam Hooch was running over to punish the boys. Or so I assumed. After Hooch sent both Harry and George to McGonnagal the rest of the Gryffindor team glared at Malfoy and walked to the changing rooms. I wasn't sure wether I should follow Ron and Hermione or stay with my team but I decided to stay with my team. Malfoy didn't look too bad once you look past some blood. It didn't seem bad enough to keep him in the Hospital Wing. Just a few minor spells. Caleb didn't even bother to give us a pep talk or anything just walked to the changing rooms changed and then left.

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