Chapter 11

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The last chapter was a bit boring I know but I hope this chapter is better for you guys :D

Also I have gotten a little bit more feedback (Which I LOVE!) but I really need some more. Thanks to those of you who have commented but I hope some of you others could spare a second just to write "This was a good chapter." Or even hate mail :P like "This book is really boring. Maybe you should try to make something interesting happen." anything is welcome :D

Also the picture on the side is the new character I'm introducing in this chapter :D

He also is Peeta in Hunger Games


It's not as good as Harry Potter but it second best!

Thanks ;)

Xox Shortie <3's U!


Chapter 11

"Bye Ebony! Be good and don't run off!" Tonks waved from the station. I rolled my eyes and waved to her. Dumbledore had sent a train to pick me, Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny up. We all felt we should go back wanting something other than sitting around bored to death at the Weasley's house. I had a make-up exam tomorrow while the others would just go to classes. Only Tonks came to see us off and as the small train set off down the tracks she disappeared. Sirius eventually told me what the Order was but that was it. He just said it was basically an Anti-Voldemort group. And he told me that all the people that came to the Weasley's house that night were apart of the Order including Tonks and himself. Apparently everyone else was "On duty." so they couldn't come to see us off. I'm still trying to figure out what exactly the Order is and why they kept it a secret from me. Harry and the others know about it so why not me? I sighed as we all plopped down in seats of the small train cart. It wasn't not nearly as big as the Hogwarts Express but it fit five people comfortably. It also went a lot faster, not that we could tell. It felt normal to us but really it was going fast enough to get us there in less than an hour. The power of magic.

"Who's ready to answer questions?" Ginny said sarcastically. We all chuckled sitting up in our seats.

"If anyone asks me what happens I'm just going to walk away." I sighed. I couldn't be bothered to answer peoples questions about where I was. If they are so interested they can figure it out from the paper. The paper had said that I was there along with Harry. it even had a picture of my unconscious self. However it didn't give any details as to how I got there or what exactly happened.

"Why don't you just answer their questions?" Hermione asked. I shrugged leaning on the window.

"I can't be bothered by their questions. If they really want to know they can figure it out themselves." I said. She shrugged agreeing.

"I'm used to everyone asking me questions." Harry groaned. I rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm not. And now everyone's going to want to know why I was unconscious and I'll have to explain the whole thing. Again. So it's just better if I ignore them." I said. Ginny laughed high fiving me.

"Well anyway, what else are we going to do for the rest of the term?" Ron asked. Classes didn't really matter since exams were over and we still have three weeks left of the term before summer. I shrugged looking out the window waiting to see any sign of Hogwarts. I had grown to love the school so much now. Hogwarts and at home with my family are my two sanctuaries but now with mom gone and dad in St. Mungo's home just brings bad memories.

"Read." Hermione suggested. All of us laughed and she smiled slightly.

"I'm listening to music." I said pulling my iPod out. I stared at it for a second remembering the note that came with it. From my mom and dad. I sniffed to keep the tears away and put the black earphones in. My bag that Bellatrix took was never found with my wand in it so I have to use an extra one of the Weasley's until we can find it. I could have gotten another wand but I wanted that one back. I have no idea where she took it, it could be anywhere but I had to try and find it. Mrs. Weasley just told me she would try to find it.

The Ashes of EbonyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя