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"Hermione?" I yell in the darkness. "Hermione!" I'm probably waking up everyone in the castle, but I don't care. Finally, someone turns on a light. "What's going on?" Says the boy with a lamp. I recognize him. Neville I think. "YOU!" I spat out and turn to Ron. "YOU DID THIS WHERE IS SHE?!" I scream at him. Now many people turn on their lights above the beds to see what's going on. "Listen mate, I didn't do it!" Ron says defensively with his hands at his ear level. I hear someone, Mcgonagall no doubt, coming up the stairs. I was right. Mcgonagall storms into the dorm and looks around. "Malfoy! What is the meaning of this?" She half-yells at me. Bloody Hell. I'm not the one who did this!
"Hermione." Potter answers for me. "She's gone."
"Gone?" Mcgonagall asks with a frown on her face. "What do you mean,gone?"
"She was here one minute and gone that next." Ron says. "It was like magic." Ron looks as though he staring at something no one else can see. Something in the distance. I grab his shirt collar and push him against a wall. "WHAT DO YOU KNOW!" I scream, "WHERE IS SHE?!" My face is red and splotchy. I'm dripping with sweat as I let go of Ron, well technically as Harry pulls me away from him. "Magic" Ron whispers. "It's like magic" his eyes look glossy, not like an imperious curse, but it's as if he's in some sort of shock. Then he digs his nails into both his arms. "Magic! Magic come here!" He starts to cry. "Where are you magic?" Then he passes out.

* Hermione's POV

I look around at the darkness. I can't tell if I'm blind or in some kind of cage. I trace the scars on my arm with my fingertips. Still there. Mudblood it reads out. I feel as though I'm still there. In Bellatrix's arms. Her ugly crusty nails digging into my scalp as she digs he knife into my arm. The same knife that murdered Dobby. Ahhh. I smell something sweet. It smells like early summer. Fruity flavors, popsicles by the pool. Then late fall. Mhmmm. One of my mom's favorite candle scent fills the air; Creamy Pumpkin. I know all her favorite scents by heart. It was the only candles she would buy. I then smell sugar cookies. I smell pine trees and remember all the years my family went to go pick out Christmas trees. I suddenly feel a needle being pumped into my body. At first it's painful, but then I get kind of loopy. Everything looks fuzzy and I feel as though I'm spinning. I close my eyes as the drug goes all through my bloodstream. I recognize the smell of it. Cracker Jacker venom no doubt. I start seeing my mum and dad. Then Harry and Draco. Draco... Where is he?! I try to sit up, but realize that I'm strapped down. My tongue is too numb to say anything. "Dw-acwo" I mumble and pass out again.

* Draco's POV

"Nothing!" I exclaim and throw some of Hermione's books on the ground. Mcgonagall let me, Ginny, and Harry search Hermione's room for any clues as to where she might be. "Nothing in the bathroom either." Says Ginny from behind the bathroom door.
"There's got to be something here." Harry assures us as he looks through Hermione's shoe drawer.
"I'm pretty sure a clue isn't going to be in her shoe drawer." I snort to Harry in almost a friendly way. We've gotten along much better although Ginny utterly hates me. "You never know." She snaps at me. I walk back over to the bookcase and look out the window to see two strangely dressed people walking around by the lake. "Hey guys." I say to Harry and Ginny, "Come take a look at this." The people, a boy and a girl, go over to a tree and climb into it.
"Who are they?" Harry asks bewildered.
"I don't know." I say back. "But I have a feeling that they don't belong here.
"Look," Ginny points to the girl in the tree. "She has a bow and arrows."
"A what?" I ask. Growing up with Purebloods had its perks, but I don't know anything about muggles.
"Dad brought in something like that once." Ginny says, "He said it was dangerous if you knew how to use it."
"Well let's go check these 'new folks' out." I say and motion for Ginny and Harry to follow me.
"You never know," starts Harry, "what if these people were the ones who took Hermione?"
"Well then we better be prepared for a fight." I say confidently. Here goes nothing.

•IM SOOOOO SORRY this chapter took so long but I've been busy with school so I'll try to post more.TRY TO. But what do y'all think so far? I just recently finished the Hunger Games and I LOVED IT! I really wanted to add some in so the timing is after the third book but Katniss and Peeta aren't married quite yet although they are close! So ya I just wanted y'all to know that. Bye! Hopefully I'll be able to post soon!

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