The Boy and Girl

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"Guys. Shouldn't we, oh I dunno, come up with a PLAN?" Ginny says to us as we make our way down to the lake. "We do have a plan." Harry replies.
"And that is?" She asks.
"To find out where Hermione is." I say to him. "They must know something."
"He has a point." Harry says to Ginny who looks angrily at me."I mean, the day after Hermione disappears, they show up. That's kinda sketchy." Harry adds, "Plus, even if they're not involved they probably shouldn't be here."
"Let's go check it out." I say finally.
"What are we gonna say?" Ginny asks again impatiently."Oh hey how ya doing, by the way have you captured anyone lately?" She says sarcastically.
"No. I say we have our wands ready, but act casual. Just get to know them and if they attack we fight back. We ONLY fight back. Ok?" Harry says firmly.
"Okay." Me and Ginny say in unison.


"Why did you follow me here Peeta?" I ask him almost annoyed but it's sweet at the same time. "I told you to stay home."
"You know I'll follow you anywhere Katniss." He says and gives me a kiss on the check. I blush. "Come on. Let's get into this tree and get a better view at everything." He says and points to the tree we're standing by. "Ladies first."
I smile and head up the tree. This isn't the first one we tried to climb, the other one fought us.
"It's like this place is magic." Peeta says, obviously thinking about the tree too.
"Well duh. We went into a brick wall to get here." I say with a hint of sarcasm
"Well it was very odd." Peeta replies as memories flood back into our heads of the strange morning we've had. "We went to explore something new, and we sure did."
"Well we didn't find it. We just saw an oddly dressed man with a bunch of boxes filled with quills and ink walk right through a brick wall and decided to follow him. Then we hopped into the train and now we're here." I say to Peeta. We're now at the top of the tree. Taking it all in. The castle, the lake, the castle. I mean wow that's a big castle.
"Ya. The train must've been like a supply train that carries,well, supplies." Peeta says, thinking out loud.
"Where do you think we even are?" I ask looking at the lake, wondering what beasts lie beneath its surface.
"I don't know but we need to blend in. We need those robes everyone is wearing." Peeta says, pointing to a group of kids walking in our direction.
"Are they coming towards us?" I ask Peeta. "Maybe we should leave before we get into anymore trouble." The kids get closer and closer to use until they're right under the tree.
"Hello." Says a boy with glasses and brownish hair. "What are you doing up there?"
"Oh. Ya know. Just. Chilling." I say back and mentally punch myself chilling? Really Katniss! Come on! Get it together! "Ya it's fun up here. Wanna join us?" Peeta says, joining in with me. "Oh no thanks." Says a boy with really blonde hair, almost white. "Why don't you have your robes on?"
"Ya. Why not?" Says the girl with them. They are obviously trying to get something out of us. But what? They probably know we aren't supposed to be here. "Oh. We were too hot." Peeta replies and I shake my head up and down as if on cue. "Yep totally. So hot." I say. Uggg! I'm ruining everything! This is why Peeta talks and not me!
"Well we gotta get to class. Bye." The glasses boy says to fill the awkward silence. "Bye" me and Peeta say together.


We walk up to the strange pair of kids almost hiding in the trees. Very suspicious. We try to ask them questions but they pretty much ghost changed the topic every time. Oh well. I signal to Harry and Ginny that we should go. "Well. Bye." Harry says awkwardly.
"Bye" they both say.
"Well. That was a fail." I say as we walk off.
"We didn't even get their names" Ginny says and huffs.
"I get the feeling she doesn't like me." I say to Harry once Ginny's gone.
"I dunno. Girls are complicated beings. Best to just leave them alone." Harry replies.

•Yay! I love the mix of hunger games and Harry Potter!!!!! Hopefully I'll be able to update soon!•

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