Chapter 2 The Battle

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A wave of bones shot at Frisk before she knew what to do. The first barley missed her shoulder, and after that, she ducked under one and jumped over a second and third. Frisk looked up at Papyrus, "I-Is this a battle?" She asked uncertainly. The skeleton looked at Frisk dumbfounded, "OF COURSE IT IS HUMAN, WHAT DID YOU THINK THIS WAS?" Frisk was now thinking on her feet, trying not to let fear get to her. "I don't know what I thought this was," she started, "but I do know that it's rude not to let someone know that you're fighting them." Papyrus continued to stare at her, "OH, OKAY, I DIDN'T KNOW THAT. HOW CAN I MAKE IT UP TO YOU?" He asked."Uh, maybe you can stop fighting me?" Papyrus laughed, "NO WAY HUMAN! BUT I SUPPOSE I CAN GIVE YOU PUZZLES INSTEAD!" Frisk nodded enthusiastically at that, "Yeah, puzzles, totally non deadly puzzles!" Papyrus began to walk into the woods surrounding them "WELL, MAYBE NOT 'NON-DEADLY', BUT THEY'LL BE GREAT! COME HUMAN!" Frisk followed Papyrus, and Sans followed Frisk, laughing at what was happening.

If anyone had been watching Frisk do the puzzles, they would have laughed until they were lying on the snow (something that Sans was doing the majority of the time). Papyrus had set up a series of puzzles, and of course none of them worked. In the invisible electricity maze, Papyrus walked through it still he reached the other side, giving it away. There were a series of puzzles involving X's and O's, that were totally complete already, and then there was an unplugged microwave on a table beside some spaghetti, which Frisk didn't really think of as a puzzle. Through the entire thing, Frisk began to realize that Sans had been right, Papyrus really was just a softie who loved puzzles and wanted to be in the royal guard.  But it wasn't until frisk walked through Papyrus's coloured tile puzzle that had conveniently organized itself to be extremely easy that she saw Papyrus face to face again, and not on the opposite side of a simple challenge.  "HUMAN!" He said to her loudly, "YOU HAVE PASSED ALL OF MY TESTS IN ONE PEICE. BUT I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW YOU WERE ABLE TO PASS UP MY DELICIOUS SPAGHETTI!" Frisk shrugged, she had gotten used to playing along with Papyrus, "It just looked so good that I wanted you to have it!" Papyrus smiled, "REALLY? WHY, THANK YOU HUMAN!" He continued to smile, before clearing his non existent throat and putting on a straight face once again, "BUT ANYWAYS, I DIDN'T EXPECT YOU TO SOLVE ALL OF MY PUZZLES, SO I STILL HAVE TO CAPTURE YOU." Once again, a series of bones began to fly at Frisk, and she jumped, ducked and dodged. As Papyrus fired more and more bones at Frisk, he began to talk to her. "I CAN JUST IMAGINE IT NOW!" He said to Frisk, "I'LL BE SO POPULAR! EVERYONE WILL BE MY FRIEND!" But after a moment, he looked at Frisk, stopping all of his attacks, "BUT WILL ANYONE LIKE ME AS GENUINELY AS YOU? WILL ANYONE LIKE MY PUZZLES AND MY SPAGHETTI THE WAY YOU DO?" Frisk shook her head, stepping towards Papyrus, "I don't know Papyrus." She told the skeleton genuinely, "But I do know that you don't need to find that out if you just have mercy. I am your friend if you like it or not, and if the royal guard will only accept you if you capture me, then they're idiots." Papyrus looked at me sadly, "I'm sorry Frisk, but I have to do this. I'm going to use my special attack." In an instant, a bone appeared above Papyrus's hand, glowing brighter than all of the others he had sent at Frisk. He was about to fire when.....a little dog ran up to Papyrus and snatched the bone out of the air? "H-HEY, YOU, DOG! GET BACK HERE WITH MY SPECIAL ATTACK!" Papyrus cried as the dog ran away with the bone. He sighed and stared at Frisk, who was laughing loudly. "That was adorable!" She said trying to calm herself. Papyrus thought about what Frisk had said for a moment. "YOU SAID THAT WAS ADORABLE, AND I WAS A PART OF THAT. HUMAN, ARE YOU FLIRTING WITH ME?" Frisk tried to deny it but Papyrus shook his head. "IT'S OKAY HUMAN, YOU DON'T HAVE TO DENY IT. I CAN'T CAPTURE YOU, I REALIZE THAT NOW, YOU'RE MY FRIEND. SO I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, AM GOING TO SPARE YOU. YOU CAN CONTINUE TO STAY WITH MY AND MY BROTHER. BUT SINCE YOU FLIRTED WITH ME, DOES THAT MEAN THAT WE HAVE TO GO ON A DATE?" Frisk smiled and shrugged, "Sure, why not?" She was too happy to say anything else, and she quickly gave Papyrus a hug, glad that her friends brother was on her side. Sans tapped Frisk's shoulder from behind her, and she jumped a little. "Hey kid, good job out there." Frisk looked at him, clearly annoyed, "You could have warned me about what would happen little sooner bonehead. And you were just standing there watching! Why didn't you help?" Sans shrugged, "You need to learn how to defend yourself, and I'm glad that you didn't resort to hurting Papyrus, he had good intentions. And besides, I never would have let him capture you." Frisk nodded, she was too tired and hungry to argue, and she was still in his debt for taking her in. "So, about me not having a place to stay..." Sans grinned at her, "You can stay at our place until you have a better plan." Frisk laughed and hugged Sans, "Oh thank you! I promise I'll pay you back as soon as I can! Now, can we please go home, it's past midnight and I'm really hungry!" Sans winked at Frisk, pulling two hotdogs out from behind his back and handing one to Papyrus, and the other to Frisk, "I thought you two would need this. Now, Frisk's right, let's get outta here." 

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