Chapter 9 Never Underestimate Her

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You would have never guessed that Frisk had never touched a sword. She had casually mentioned that she wanted to learn self defence when she was talking to Undyne and Papyrus, and then she had been dragged to Undyne's house to train. Undyne had moved everything in the dining room to give them some space, and she laid out mats on the floor and three dull wooden swords for the three of them. When she had told Frisk how to stand with the word and how to grip it properly. She had talked slowly, but was shocked when she decapitated the training dummy in one swift, fluid move. "You're good kid." Undyne stated, crossing her arms "Are you sure that you don't have any LOVE or EXP?"  Frisk looked confused, and Undyne corrected herself, "I mean, have you ever fought someone with a sword before?" Frisk shook her head, "Never. It's not a very common thing to see someone fighting with swords to learn self defence on the surface, so I never thought about learning." Undyne nodded "Understandable. Now, that was good, but you need to work on your footing a bit, and your hands were spread apart a bit too much. Once we fix that, we can move on the more complicated stuff." Papyrus jumped up and down, "AND ME? CAN I HELP THE HUMAN?" Undyne smiled, which was something she didn't do very often, "Yeah, of course! Just one second." Undyne walked into the other room and came back in carrying a few more swords, "I didn't think we would need these since you're a beginner, but now I think that we should keep these here just in case these swords break." 

Two hours later, Sans walked into Undyne's house, picking at a bowl of french fries. "Oh hey Frisk, hey Papyrus, hey Undyne. Are you guys training?" Frisk stopped practicing with a dummy and turned to face Sans. She smiled and leaned against her sword like she had done it a thousand times before, brushing the hair that stuck to her sweaty forehead away from her face. "Yep, and I think that I'm a natural." Sans shrugged, "Don't talk the talk if you can't walk the walk." Frisk looked annoyed, "What's that supposed to mean?" Sans laughed a bit, "I just don't think that someone could be that good after only a few hours, thats all." Frisk stood up straight, picked up a dull wooden sword from the floor and tossed it to Sans, who caught it with a surprised look on his face. "Take your own advice, I hope you don't lose to me, for your ego's sake." Undyne snickered and motioned for Papyrus to back off of the mats, and he smiled. "WELL, IS THIS A COMPETITION?" Sans smirked, looking more competitive than before, "I guess it is. I won't go easy on you." Frisk nodded and wet to the edge of the mat "Okay. On!" Frisk and Sans ran at each other, Frisk swung her sword, but Sans easily deflected her attack and knocked her sword to the ground. Frisk slid over the mats to retrieve her sword, and she stood up once again, regaining her balance. "That's all you've got?" Sans asked, "C'mon, I thought that you said you were good!" Frisk frowned angrily, she didn't like how Sans was probing her, so she ran at him at full speed. Their swords clashed, when Sans was about to hit Frisk, she threw her sword in the air, rolled past Sans, and caught the sword by the hilt behind him. He spun around, and their wooden blades began to clash again. "I'll admit" Sans said as he blocked one of Frisk's attacks and took a stab at her, "You're not bad, but you still have a long way to go." "Of course I do!" Frisk replied as she retreated back a few steps and took a defensive stance, "Now shut up and fight." The two went back and forth until Frisk got the upper hand. She swung her sword, he couldn't dodge it, he didn't have enough time, and Frisk smiled, knowing she had won. But at the last second, Sans disappeared, and she saw him a few feet away. "Hey!" Frisk complained "That's cheating!" Sans shook his head, "No, you never said no magic." Sans's eye went blue, and a second later, Frisk was suspended in the air. She couldn't move very much, she could only make slow, rigid movements. Sans laughed, looking at Frisk's position, one hit on her and he would win. Frisk's sword was over her shoulder, and she was in mid swing. "I didn't want to do this, but still, this is hilarious!" He turned his head to tell something to Undyne, and Frisk immediately sprang into action. She was still holding the sword, but it wasn't surrounded by blue, only she was. So slowly, she moved her arm forward, before finally letting go of her sword. Once it left her hands, it flew through the air at regular speed. Sans turned around, and immediately dodged, losing his concentration and letting Frisk fall to the ground. Frisk picked up a sword that had been left at the side of the room, and she lunged at Sans. He was still shocked, so he teleported away, but Frisk had assumed that he was going to do that, so at the last second, she turned her arm and swung the opposite way. Her sword finally coming into contact with Sans's ribcage. He dropped his sword and smiled, "Good job kid, I was wrong about you." Frisk smiled back at Sans, she wasn't mad anymore "Yeah, okay. But why were you trying to make me mad?" Sans patted Frisk's shoulder, "I was watching you fight for longer than I let on, I saw you, and I knew you were holding back. Only making you mad would make you try your hardest." Frisk rolled her eyes, "Humph." Their conversation was interrupted by a set of loud clapping. "GREAT JOB HUMAN, YOU'RE AMAZING, ALMOST AS GREAT AT THE GREAT PAPYRUS! AND YOU TOO SANS, I DIDN'T EXPECT YOU TO BE GOOD SINCE YOU'RE ALWAYS BEING LAZY!" Undyne and Frisk laughed as Sans grumbled to himself, and Frisk ran to get her water bottle. She wasn't looking where she was going, and right before she reached her water bottle, she tripped over a sword that hadn't been put away. In an instant, Sans had teleported to Frisk, and she fell into his arms, a few centimetres away from touching the ground. "Hey, be careful." Sans said with a laugh. Frisk smirked, "Oh, I did that on purpose." She said, grabbing her water bottle and swiftly dumping it's contents on Sans's skull, all while still in his arms. "That's for underestimating me." Sans sighed and let go of Frisk, letting her drop the final few centimetres onto the mats. "Yeah." he said as he reached for a towel to wipe off his head  "I guess I should have expected that."

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