Chapter 14 Singing Your Heart Out

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"Do, ray, me, fa, so, la, tee, do." Frisk sang the words again and again as she sat on the couch. She hadn't sung in the longest time, and she noted that her singing voice was still good, but a bit scratchy. She was alone in the house, she had just dropped off a resume for a job at the arts store she had bought the materials for Sans and Papyrus's presents at, and now she finally had some time for herself. Her voice bounced off of the walls and she closed her eyes. "Do, ray, me, fa, so, la, tee, do." She sang again, gaining confidence and singing a little louder, "Do, tee, la, so, fa, me, ray..." Frisk as interrupted by a voice, "What does that mean?" The voice belonging to Sans said. Frisk turned around, and her face went red. "H-how long have you been listening to me?" Sans shrugged, "Long enough to know that you sound amazing. Why haven't you ever sung in the Underground?" Frisk untucked the hair she put behind her ears and let it fall on her face, covering her eyes. She was embarrassed, and she was trying to make herself look as invisible as possible. "I, don't like singing in front of people" She said. Sans nodded, "Oh, I get it. I play an instrument too y'know." He said. "What is it?" Frisk asked curiously. Sans grinned widely and winked, "The trom-bone." Frisk laughed and tucked her hair back behind her ears. "Did you start playing the trombone just so you could make that joke?" She asked. Sans laughed, "Guilty as charged." He went to sit beside Frisk, and she scooted over to make room for him. "Y'know" he said, "I know a great place in waterfall with amazing acoustics, no one really knows about it, you have to teleport to get up there safely. You could sing and I could play my trombone, but I dunno..." Curiosity filled Frisk. "Could we go there? I don't really think that I'd like to sing, but we could go anyways." Sans shook his head, "It's pretty dangerous. The only way that we could go is if we went on behalf of our agreement." "What agreement?" Frisk asked "The one where I show you something about me, and you do the same. We played basketball, and now you have to do something." Frisk nodded "Okay, we can go there the, as long as I don't have to sing." Sans shook his head, "No, I already know that you can talk, if you want to go, you have to sing." Frisk thought for a moment, "I don't know..." Sans smiled, "It has an amazing view." Frisk sighed, "Fine, we can go. But don't think that I don't realize that you told me about this place in Waterfall so you could hear me sing." Sans laughed, "Alright. It's not late, we could go now, just let me get my trombone." Frisk nodded, and Sans disappeared into his room, and came back holding a shiny gold trombone. "I've never heard you play before." Frisk Commented. Sans shrugged, "I don't play a lot. I sometimes I practice when I'm on my own so no one complains. I also use it when I have to fill Papyrus's life with sound effects and coincidental music." Sans positioned the trombone in one hand, and took Frisk with his other hand, and the two teleported away.

Frisk felt herself falling after Sans had teleported her. She screamed and reached for anything to grab onto. Sans reached out his hands and grabbed her, and Frisk looked at where she was. She was on the edge of a waterfall, with an amazing view of a sparkling lake, and a city with a castle far in the distance. Sans pulled Frisk out of the water that had made her feet soaking wet, and the two sat down on a rock. The top of the waterfall had stepping stones and large rocks to sit on, and it was surrounded by other waterfalls and a ceiling that reminded Frisk of starry nights on the surface. "Sorry bout that kid." Sans said, "I told you that it was hard to get here." Frisk nodded and smiled, she didn't really mind getting her feet wet. "It's okay, it was worth it for this view." She marvelled at the lit up city, and she heard Sans walk up behind her. "I come here sometimes to be alone." He said, "But I think I like sharing this place with you." Frisk felt herself begin to blush, so she kept looking at the city. "I think so too." 

"So what was that song that you were singing?' Sans asked as he sat on a rock and rubbed is trombone aimlessly. "Oh, the scales? It's just something people sing to warm up their voices." Sans nodded, "Okay. Can you sing it for me? I can play along." Frisk hesitantly nodded and began to sing. "Do, a deer, a female deer. Ray, a drop of golden sun..." Sans smiled and began to play along to the simple song on his trombone. "Me, a name, I call myself. Fa, a long long way to run..." Frisk's voice echoed across the room in perfect harmony with Sans music. He looked at Frisk, and she could imagine his smile behind the trombone, so she looked away to hide her blushing face. "So, a needle pulling thread. La, a note to follow so. Tee, I drink with jam and bread. That will bring us back to do..." Sans laughed when the song was finished, "That was awesome. It was simple, yet you sang it so well..." Frisk laughed, "Don't let me get a big head." "Oh, okay, I thought you already had a big head." Frisk growled and splashed a bit of water on Sans's shorts. "Hey!" He said, splashing Frisk back. Frisk ran her hand through the water surrounding the two friends, and she splashed Sans again. "You asked for it!" Sans said, his eye turning blue. He teleported around the small space, splashing Frisk until she was almost soaking wet. Then, he laughed and sat back down on a large rock, letting Frisk splash him one more time, before she too sat down. "That wasn't fair" Frisk huffed, "I'm soaked and you're barely wet." A second later, Frisk felt something warm over her shoulders, and she looked up to see Sans putting his sweatshirt over her. "Here, take this, it's not as good as a towel but..." Frisk interrupted, "No, it's fine, thank you." "No problem." For the rest of the night, Frisk hummed a tune while Sans quietly  played his trombone, until Frisk fell asleep about an hour later. Sans chucked quietly, trying not to wake Frisk up, and he slowly picked her up in his arms. He teleported back home, and set her down on the sofa, taking back his sweatshirt and replacing it with a blanket.

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