Chapter 13 The Basketball Game

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"It's kind of odd that I only just found out that you loved ketchup so much."  Frisk said in the morning as she sat on the couch with Sans. "Yeah, I guess we don't know that much about each other besides the basics." Suddenly, Frisk had an idea. "Here, I have an idea. you'll do something with me that I like, and then I'll do something with you that I like. We can get to know each other better." Sans nodded, "Okay, I have the best idea, be ready in an hour, and be prepared to run, a lot." Frisk was dying to know what Sans was doing, so she jumped into the shower, changed into a pair of basketball shorts and a striped shirt that she had found in a bargain bin at a shop, and brushed her teeth. Then she ran to the door, "Okay, lets go!" Sans walked up to Frisk with a lazy grin on his face, and took Frisk's hands "We don't have to walk, we can just teleport." Frisk felt a jolt of energy pass through her hands when Sans touched them, and she felt her face turning warm, but she tried to ignore it. "Oh, sorry, I always forget." Sans teleported them to a large basketball court surrounded by grey walls. Once again, Frisk had held her breath, and she let out a long sigh before looking around the room. "Basketball? I would have never guessed that you liked to play." She said. Sans shrugged, "I know that I tend to be lazy, so I do this to stay in shape. I guess I can't really become out of shape though, I'm just bones." Frisk laughed, and walked to the centre of the court "So do you want to play a game?" Sans nodded and went to take a basketball from a metal rack in the corner. "Yeah, first to 50 points wins." He walked to the centre of the court, facing Frisk. "Okay" Frisk said "But no using your magic, this is going to be a fair game! I'll warn you though, I haven't played this sport in a while." Sans laughed, "Okay, that's good news for me!" His smile turned a bit dark, and he faked left and dribbled past Frisk. She ran after him, but Sans sprinted down the court and took a shot. Frisk jumped to try to intercept him, but she was too short, and he scored two points. Frisk took the ball, and looked at Sans. "I see how it is" She said, "Bring it on."

The game went on, When Frisk had the ball, Sans usually took it from her, or she didn't make the basket. Sans laughed and shouted encouragement at her (before he stole the ball) and Frisk yelled at him to shut up.  After a while, the score was 48-18 and Frisk had the ball. She faked right, but Sans saw it coming, and he tok the ball away form her and ran down the court. She was hot on his heels, and  when he got close enough, he jumped in the air, dunking the ball and winning the game. He smiled and took a swig of his water bottle "Get dunked on!" He said. Frisk rolled her eyes "No need to brag." She picked up the basketball and took a shot, but it hit the backboard of the basketball hoop, and it fell to the ground. She took the ball, and got ready to shoot again, but she heard Sans laughed behind her, and she felt his hands against hers, and he stood behind the human, holding the ball alongside her. He guided her arms up, "Hold the ball like this." He said, moving Frisk's hands. "And relax your wrist. Now shoot." She threw the ball, and it landed in the hoop, making a satisfying swishing noise. Sans took a small step away from Frisk. "Just do that from now on, and maybe you'll beat me next time we play." Frisk turned to face Sans, and jumped a little when she saw Sans close to her, centimetres away from each other. "I hate it when you do that." Sans smirked at Frisk, "Do what?" He asked. "Stand so close to me, you always startle me!" Sans blushed and stepped back, still smirking. "Sorry, it's just funny to see you blush." He said, bringing the conversation into an awkward silence. Frisk smiled to break the small tension that had formed "Whatever. I'm super hot, Can we head home?" Sans smiled back at Frisk, and in a swift move, poured his water bottle on Frisk's head, then grabbed her hand. "Did that cool you down?" He asked. He laughed and Frisk growled at Sans before he teleported back home. Sans went up to his room after they got home, and Frisk went to the washroom to dry her hair, thinking about the day that she had had.

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