Chapter 4 Can You Force Love?

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Frisk walked in a circle around Papyrus's room, she'd never been in it before. "YOU CAN TAKE A LOOK AROUND IF YOU WANT" Papyrus said, "AND THEN WE CAN START DOING...WHATEVER PEOPLE DO ON DATES!" Frisk smiled and curiously walked up to a bunch of action figures on the table. There were lots of other geeky stuff too, he had a race car bed, a pirate flag and a pile of bones that Papyrus had apparently used when he had fought her. After looking around for a bit, Frisk turned back to Papyrus. "Okay, I'm ready. So what do you want to do?" Papyrus smiled and whipped out a little handbook from his back pocket. He opened it up to the first page and began to read. "I TOOK THIS OUT FROM THE LIBRARY, IT'S ON HOW TO HAVE A GREAT DATE! LETS SEE HERE...THE FIRST STEP IS TO ASK SOMEONE OUT ON A DATE, WHICH I THINK ALREADY HAPPENED. NOW THE SECOND STEP IS TO WEAR CLOTHES!" Papyrus eyed Frisk, who was wearing the same thing as she always was, plus the locket that she occasionally took off. "HUMAN, THAT SWEATER, THAT LOCKET, YOU'VE BEEN WEARING CLOTHES THIS WHOLE TIME! THAT MEANS THAT YOU KNEW THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN FROM THE BEGINNING! NO, YOU'RE NOT A BETTER DATER THAN ME, YOU CAN'T BE! I CAN WEAR CLOTHES AS WELL!" Frisk was about to point out that he had always been wearing clothes when he whipped off his 'Battle body' that he had apparently been wearing since halloween, and revealed an entirely different outfit. He was wearing a shirt with the words cool dude written on it in bold letters. He had shorts on, and apparently he had somehow put on a baseball cap. Papyrus smiled triumphantly as he put on a pair of sunglasses, "SEE HUMAN, I CAN WEAR CLOTHES AS WELL! AND, I HAVE A SPECIAL GIFT TO GIVE YOU, IF YOU CAN FIND IT!" Frisk laughed "Thanks Papyrus, that's nice of you. I'm sorry I didn't get you anything." Papyrus shrugged, "IT'S OKAY HUMAN, IT JUST MEANS THAT I'M THE BETTER DATER! NOW, TO GET THE GIFT YOU HAVE TO LOOK FOR IT!" 

As Sans walked past Papyrus's closed door, he began to get worried. His brother was new to the whole dating thing, heck, he had probably gotten advice from some stupid manual. He didn't want to see Frisk or Papyrus embarrassed because of a bad date, and even though Frisk was doing this because she promised she would, Sans still thought that she shouldn't have done that in the first place. So he decided to listen in on the two of them, to interfere in case anything happened. He put his skull beside the door, focusing on the noise coming form the other room. It was petty easy to hear the two of them, especially since Papyrus talked so loudly, but Sans may have started to hear things out of context. Frisk knew that Papyrus hadn't hidden his gift in his room since she had already seen everything in there, so she used the process of elimination. "Is it in your shoes?" Sans heard her say, what does that mean? He thought to himself. "Is it in your shirt?" Sans heard. He was kind of worried about what was going on. "I know" She said "Its..." Sans jumped up from where he was crouching and burst through the door, not even bothering to listen to Frisk finish her sentence. He didn't know how to react, but he stared at Frisk, who was leaning up towards Papyrus to lift up his hat. "Under your hat!" On top of Papyrus's head, there was a plate of spaghetti that was slightly less burnt than usual. Frisk laughed, then finally noticed Sans, who had barged into the room moments earlier. He looked down, ashamed that he hadn't trusted his brother and friend, she had just been asking him where he had kept a gift for her. Frisk looked at him, she wasn't mad, and she probably didn't know that he had been spying on her. "Sans?" She asked, "Why did you just barge in, you practically knocked the door off of it's hinges! You could have just knocked and we would have let you in." The kind smile the Frisk gave to him made Sans know that he had to tell the truth. "I'm sorry." he said to Frisk and Papyrus, "I was listening in on you, I didn't trust you for some reason, which was stupid. I'm just trying to look out for you two. If something really did happen between you two, and Frisk were to get hurt by another monster or worse, I know how sad you would be. And if things didn't work out, I didn't want you two to not be friends." Frisk looked at Sans for a moment,  then went up to him and gave him a quick hug. "I'm mad at you for spying on us." she informed him, "But I know that you just wanted to protect your brother, I'm actually not surprised that you were listening to us." Sans smiled at Frisk, "Thanks, and you Papyrus?" Papyrus walked over to his brother and patted his shoulder "IT'S OKAY BROTHER. AND I HAVE SOMETHING TO CONFESS." He took the spaghetti off of his head and set it down on his desk, before walking towards Frisk. "HUMAN, I'M SORRY, BUT I DON'T LIKE YOU. I-I MEAN I LIKE YOU, BUT NOT IN THAT WAY. I THOUGHT THAT WE HAD TO GO ON A DATE WHEN YOU FLIRTED WITH ME,  AND FEELINGS WOULD BLOSSOM FROM THERE! BUT THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN, AND WHEN I SAW YOU WEARING CLOTHES EVEN BEFORE I KNEW TO DO SO FORM THE BOOK, I KNEW THAT YOU WERE IN LOVE, AND I WAS JUST LEADING YOU ON! SO I'M SORRY HUMAN, DON'T BE SAD BECAUSE YOU DIDN'T GET TO KISS ME, BECAUSE I HAVE NO LIPS." Frisk didn't love Papyrus, but she didn't argue, so instead she just laughed. "Okay Pappy, thanks for telling the truth, we can just be friends." Papyrus nodded happily, "I WOULD LIKE THAT. NOW LET'S ALL GO EAT DINNER, I MADE JUST ENOUGH SPAGHETTI FOR THE THREE OF US!" 

While Papyrus was finishing up dinner, Sans leaned against the living room wall. Frisk stood up from the couch and went to stand beside him, crossing her arms over her chest. "Was helping your brother the only reason why you were spying on us?" She asked him. Sans blushed a little, and Frisk chose not to comment on the fact that San's could blush even though he had no skin. "Yeah, of course." Sans replied, scratching the back of his skull. Frisk laughed lightly, "If you say so. I can tell you're sad though. You know what will make you more than just a sad pile of bones? A joke! Do you want to hear one?" Sans looked over at Frisk, grinning ridiculously like he usually did. "Is it humerus?" He asked her. Frisk laughed, "I think it is, lets eat our food and taco-bout what kinds of jokes you like." "Dude we're not even eating tacos!" Sans said, laughing. After that, Sans was back to normal, no more guilt holding him down, and the two friends exchanged puns until Papyrus yelled at them to stop telling bad jokes and eat his food...

It had been a good day.

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