Chapter 8 Confessions

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Frisk woke up with ice on her head and a blanket over her body. She didn't remember everything that happened, but she knew that she had been attacked, and Sans had done something supernatural and saved her. The details were all fuzzy, but she could still vividly picture Sans standing over whoever had attacked her, and her calling out to him to stop. Sans's powers had reminded her of the glowing orange magic that belongs to Papyrus, except Papyrus's were less deadly. What would he have done if she hadn't told him to spare that monster? She shook her head, trying not to think about anything that would just give her a headache. She took the ice off of her head and felt a large bump, and she flung off her blanket. Her sweater and pants were lined with dirt and gravel, and her lips were cracked and dry. With a loud yawn, Frisk stood up and stumbled into the kitchen, her legs wobbling with every step she took. Papyrus wasn't there, but Sans was there, his back to her, rummaging through the fridge. He turned around when he heard Frisk loud footsteps, sipping a cup of ketchup. "Hey Papyrus, did you check on Fri-" Frisk was in Sans's arms the moment he saw her, and Frisk wrapped her arms around him. "Not too hard, I still don't feel very good." Frisk said into the skeletons chest. Sans let go, grinning brightly. Frisk smiled back, something she hadn't done since before she had gone out for that walk, and she studied Sans's face. She noticed that his shoulders were sagged, and the bones under his eyes seemed to sink slightly deeper into his skull than usual, he hadn't gotten much sleep. "I'm glad you finally woke up!" Sans said, laughing as he went to pick up the glass of ketchup he had thrown onto the counter. "Wait?" Frisk asked, "How long was I asleep?" Sans thought for a second, "Two days. I think you once up in the middle of it though. We had put a bowl of food beside you in case you did wake up while we were out of the house, and when we came back it was empty, so you were conscious long enough to eat." "Oh." Frisk replied, "I don't remember that happening, but okay."  Sans hugged Frisk again and whispered in her ear, "I was really worried, I didn't want something happening to one of my friends." Frisk nodded and pulled away from Sans. She pulled something out from her pocket and pressed it under where Sans's nose would be. "Now, I moustache you some questions." she said, motioning to the fake bushy moustache Sans now had. He laughed "Do you want to shave it for later and go pick up something to eat? You must be hungry." Frisk laughed for a moment then stopped herself, turning a bit serious. "First of all, no, I can eat later. Second, that was an amazing pun on my part and I'm glad I bought that fake moustache, and third, I'm being serious now, we have to talk." Sans smirked, "Baby, are you breaking up with me?" He asked in a fake concerned voice. "I'm serious!" Frisk said, slightly frustrated. Sans stopped laughing, "Okay, what do you want to talk about?" Frisk went back to the couch and Sans followed her. She sat down, a concentrated look on her face. "Well, I remember, when you saved me, I saw you do something amazing. Was I just dreaming, or were you using magic or something?" Sans sighed, he hadn't wanted to use his magic around Frisk, but when she was in danger, he knew that he had to, and now he couldn't lie and say he had no powers, Frisk would know that he wasn't telling the truth. "You're right" He said "I have powers, a few of them actually. Telekinesis, levitation, teleportation. I didn't want to tell you, I wasn't sure how you would react." Frisk didn't reply for a long time, but when she did, she nodded. "I'm not surprised, like you told me when we first met, this is the Underground, this place doesn't have to make sense. And I suppose you being able to teleport explains why you always sneak up on me, and Pap kind of has powers too. Can I see you do something with your powers?" Sans shrugged, "Sure, why not?" He turned to look Frisk directly in the eye, and in a split second, his right pinprick had turned into a glowing blue eye. Frisk jumped a little, but continued to look at Sans. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw an object that glowed blue floating towards her, she also noticed that San's hands were moving rigidly. A few seconds later, Frisk saw the TV remote float into Sans hand, and he paused the TV. He winked at Frisk, and when he opened his eye after winking, it had returned to a regular pinprick. Frisk took the remote out of Sans's hand and studied it, trying to find any signs of lingering magic. Sans laughed at Frisk and his eye became blue again, and the remote lit up in Frisk's hand. She jumped a little and tossed the remote to Sans, who laughed again and returned to normal. "Don't do that!" She said, still startled. "You asked for it." Sans said in his defence. Frisk laughed, "Yeah, I guess you're right, but still, don't do that. Can you move anything like that?" Sans shrugged, "As far as I know, yeah. Nothing huge like a house or anything, but I can do humans and monsters for a while." Frisk gasped and shot up from the couch, "Can you make me float?" Sans thought for a moment, "Eh, I'm not sure kid. I mean, I'm not sure what it feels like or if it will hurt." Frisk sighed and pulled Sans off of the couch, "C'mon, please?" Sans sighed, "Okay, fine, only because you asked nicely." His eye turned blue and Frisk felt a warmth spread across her body. Everything she saw was tinted blue, and she felt her feet being lifted from the ground. She let out a satisfied sigh, and tilted her head back, enjoying feeling weightless. "This is amazing!" She called out to Sans. He laughed, "Glad you like it." He spun his hand in a circle, and she spun around the room, making lazy circles until she was placed gently back on the ground. Frisk sighed again, and sat crossed legged on the floor, looking at Sans. He walked past her and got a bag of chips from the cabinet, then sat on the couch, deep in thought. "Y'know" he mused, "I think that the reason that I never told you about my magic was because I thought you would treat me like a different person. I can see it happening right now, I can see it in your eyes, you look at me in a different way." Frisk frowned and went to sit beside Sans, "Of course I see you differently." she said to him, "You having powers is a big deal. But I certainly don't see you as a different person, I just see you as someone with layers." Sans laughed "Well that's not true, I'm a skeleton, I don't have any layers."  Frisk lightly pushed his shoulder, "That's not what I meant bonehead. There are so many things that I don't know about you, and when I learn knew things about you, I just expand the picture I've painted of you, theoretically of course. You're not Sans with powers now, you're just Sans." Sans turned to Frisk, and handed her a chip "You're a good speech maker." He commented. Frisk popped the chip in her mouth and savoured it's satisfying crunch, "I know."

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