Chapter 5 The Week Before Christmas

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Frisk walked down the busy street, filled with people buying last minute christmas presents. She couldn't judge though, she was doing the same thing, but she didn't know what to but her new skeleton friends. She had already bought something for Grillby, the owner of the local restaurant Grillby's, whom she had become friends with after eating at his restaurant with Sans for many nights before having to eat Papyrus's spaghetti. She had just gotten him a little trinket, but she wanted something special for Sans and Papyrus. She had known them for almost two weeks now, and she was so grateful to them for letting her stay with them, but she didn't now too much about them, and she wanted something that they would love. She looked in shop windows, seeing smiling families and shopkeepers who often nodded at her, she was glad that monsters accepted her for the most part. Soon, while walking past a series of little boutiques, when she saw an arts and crafts store. It was small and looked cozy, so she couldn't help but walk in. There was a rabbit behind the counter, and she looked Frisk up and down, smiling "You're the new human those skeleton brothers took in aren't you?" She asked. Frisk nodded, "Yes. That's exactly why I'm here actually. I want to buy something for the two of them, but I don't know much about them." The shopkeeper nodded and thought for a minute, "Well, theres not much two say about Sans and Papyrus. One day, they just showed up, they bought a house, and now they fit right in with everyone else. They're very social, but they don't have many friends. If I were you, I would get them something that really reminds them that they have friends who care about them."  Suddenly, a lightbulb light up somewhere inside of Frisk's head, and she ran down the shop isles, grabbing a few things in her hands. "I'll take these!" She said to the shopkeeper. The rabbit smiled Taking the items she had gotten and putting them into a bag. Frisk handed a few golden coins that she'd earned from helping out at Grille's and the libraby, and rushed out the door. "I have to get home, but thank you for telling me about Sans and Pappy!" When she opened the door, she took off at a sprint, needing to get home to hide her presents before the skeleton brothers got home from work and training. This was going to be perfect!

Frisk ran through the door and closed it quietly behind her. She looked around the house, there weren't really any hiding spots, and she didn't have a room, so she just tucked her gifts away under the couch. She had just sat down on the couch and turned on the TV when Sans walked in, holding a bag in his hand. When he saw Frisk, he dropped the bag down and pushed it behind the couch less than a meter away from her presents. "Er, hey Frisk! What did you do today?" He asked. Frisk shrugged, trying to look casual, "Not much, I worked a few hours at Grillby's to earn some gold. I will pay you for rent as soon as I can." Sans smiled, "Thanks. But you don't need to feel like you have to rush to get any money, we understand your situation, you can take your time. Anyway's Undyne is having a party on Christmas around dinner time. There will be better food than spaghetti, and I think that you could meet a lot of new people!" Frisk didn't look very excited, Undyne was the leader of the royal guard, she would probably want to kill her if the two ever met. "I'm not sure if I want to meet Undyne" Frisk said to Sans. He laughed, "Hey don't worry, I know what you're thinking, I'm not stupid. I talked to Undyne, I told her that you're a good friend to me and Papyrus, and you don't and won't harm any monsters. She's coming over later today to meet you before the party. She's just stopping by for a little." Frisk shot up from the couch, "Sans, you need to tell me these things before hand, not the day of!" Sans shrugged, "Hey it's no big deal, really, what could go wrong?"

A lot of things went wrong.

Undyne is a kind person at heart, but has a steely exterior and personality until you get to know her, not to mention she could easily take your soul. Both she and Frisk were determined to get to know each other, though for different reasons. Frisk wanted to partly because Sans had said that she would be a great friend for her, but mostly because she wanted to get on Undyne's good side so she would be safer in the underground. Undyne was just doing it for Papyrus, she wanted to get to know the human, and she didn't want to find any reason to take her soul for Papyrus's sake. When Undyne first entered the house in full battle armour, her spear on her side, Frisk immediately hid under the table. Undyne wasn't surprised, so she strode over to the table, and stuck her hand out. "Hello human, I'm Undyne, it's nice to meet you!" Frisk looked up towards the warrior, and took her hand with a smile when she realized that she probably wasn't going to use her spear. "Um hello, I'm Frisk. Sorry for hiding." Undyne shrugged and helped Frisk up, and a second later, the door to the house opened. "HELLO HUMAN AND UNDYNE!" Papyrus said cheerfully, "TOO BAD YOU DIDN'T SEE ME AT TRAINING TODAY UNDYNE, I'M REALLY BECOMING BETTER!" Undyne smiled at Papyrus and patted his shoulder, "Great! How about you make some spaghetti while Frisk and I talk?" Papyrus nodded, "I WAS JUST ABOUT TO DO THAT! HAVE FUN HUMAN!" Papyrus took off his shoes and walked into the kitchen, humming to himself as he went. Undyne and Frisk sat on the couch and talked for a bit, Frisk wondering where Sans had ran off to, especially because he had been the one to invite Undyne. Eventually, Undyne began to talk about the monsters in the underground. "So, Frisk, have you had any confrontations with monsters around here?" Frisk shook her head, "No, not really. I had a little bit of a fight with Papyrus, but that's about it." Undyne's eye twitched a little, "A fight...with Papyrus? Did you hurt him?" She asked, her vice strained. "Of course not" Frisk replied hastily, "I wouldn't have been able to stay here if I had, and besides, I would never do that!" Undyne narrowed her eyes, "How can I believe you? Papyrus is too forgiving, he would have let you stay here if you had beaten him half to death. I'd have to hear Papyrus say that you didn't hurt him to believe it." Frisk looked a bit hurt, and out of the corner of her eye, she saw Papyrus say from his spaghetti. "SHE DIDN'T PUT A SCRATH ON ME" He said to Undyne, "I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, AM FRISK'S FRIEND, AND I KNOW THAT SHE WOULD NEVER HARM SOMEONE LIKE THAT." Undyne looked at Frisk, a bit of regret on her face. "Oh...I'm sorry for accusing you of that then.....Wait, Papyrus, shouldn't you be cooking the food?" Papyrus jumped a little and ran back into the kitchen, and Frisk and Undyne both heard a scream. They shot up from the couch and ran into the room, and saw Papyrus in front of a growing fire starting from the bowl of spaghetti. He was blowing on the flames frantically. "Papyrus!" Frisk yelled, "Don't blow on fire, it just makes it bigger!" Undyne cursed under her breath and grabbed Papyrus by the arm, dragging him out of the small fire. The three of them ran outside, picking up armfuls of snow and running into the kitchen, to put the now melting snow onto the now larger fire. It had spread onto the wooden cabinets, and Frisk worked as fast as she could along with the two monsters to put it out. It was only when the fire had died and Undyne was on the floor that she realized that she had gills, and was drying up because of the heat. "FRISK HURRY, HELP ME DRAG UNDYNE! SHE CAN'T BE AROUND HEAT FOR TOO LONG!" Frisk grabbed Undyne's feet and Papyrus grabbed her hands, and they rushed her out into the snow. They dropped her down, and waited. They saw colour return to Undyne's blue face and she smiled weakly. "Thanks Papyrus, and you too kid, I really misjudged you." Frisk smiled at Undyne "It's okay, I am a human after all, I get why you'd be a bit cautious." Undyne laughed quietly, and Papyrus and Frisk joined in until The front door opened, revealing Sans, the pinpricks in his eyes gone, he was clearly mad. "What happened to my kitchen?"

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