June 9th , 2016

577 19 0

Today, I've been in what they say to be an emotional roller coaster . I've been in and out of my mind & how can I do that ? Well , when I'm "in" my mind , I'm day dreaming and imagining and thinking .. When I'm "out" I'm not thinking at all , and everything is a blur ..
It's easy to try and seem "okay" and calm and at peace with some of the things our minds allow us to think . I'm just someone who strongly believes that we're all just a little insane , whether it's within our own mental , over someone else , ourselves or maybe even because you failed a test . We are all driven crazy about something & sometimes that something eats away at you and makes it hard to take .
No , my feelings aren't as close to that anymore but I can relate , my feelings are just fatigue, over thinking and caring . I often ask myself "why do you have to be so caring " .. But I've come to a realization that's just who I am and today it hit home . It's okay , we all have days that aren't our best and I wouldn't be human if I didn't . I'd lie to say that things done bother me , I'd be a liar to say that my heart isn't like the ocean ..it's big and it contains a lot but sometimes people hurt me. Pollute it , endanger what's inside and not care at all.
And the mornings I wake up feeling like shit . I know exactly why

Jazs's Journal Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon