Fact about me:

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I have trouble holding eye contact. I don't think it's a big deal but a lot of people do and they say that means I'm insecure but I'm not .
It's just when I look into people's eyes and have full eye contact it becomes to personal for me . I either feel like they are seeing my venerable side or I always end up knowing what's going on with them inside and I don't want to feel or see that with everyone. The statement "the eyes are the Windows to the soul" is very true . Too true for me ..
All my life I've never been able to keep good eye contact , like I said it feels to personal and intimate for me and maybe I'm weird but that's just how it is. I glance up once or twice but I'm either looking at something past you , on your face or at the ground or your shirt... Eye contact and I aren't good friends .

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