Fact about me:

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Tupac has had the biggest influence on my life more than my mother , more than any other artist , more than any teacher , any friend .. Anyone.
From knowledge about black issues and becoming self aware of who I am as a black woman but helping me understand the potentially in my talents and what I want to achieve.
I was told as a baby when my uncle Lionel used to watch me for my mother everyday while she went to work he would play Tupac albums because that was the only thing that kept me from crying or kept me from moving (being a busy body ) being that sometimes babies are hard to contain to one area 🙄😂 . But he told me that and it all makes sense . Since birth basically I've been listening to this man and as a kid the environment I was in fit the life style he spoke of .
I'm not from the suburbs , I'm from the hood , I'm from poverty ..growing up I didn't have anything and I barely had what I needed .. But you don't see me parading that around or bragging about where I'm from. Or how hard my life was and how fucked up its been because for what ? Why dwell on what has brought me down for so long .
I've learned a lot from this man just by music and interviews and movies and his poetry as well. If it wasn't for him I would never have made the goal at 13 to become a well known poet , this man introduced me to Shakespeare and Nikki Giovanni . As a kid I started writing poetry at 5 but it was more therapeutic but my teachers took notice and told me I had a talent so they'd enter my work into the school magazine or hung it up in class and that made me feel good. Now my poetry is to tell my story. I'm someone who wants to document everything . I think every thing should be anyway. Document your life , we've all got a story. Tupac just help me better understand mine.

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