Fact about me:

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I'm nasty . And it's the kind of nasty where I do it just for laughs and I really have no idea what I'm talking about . People who know me personally are like "you're the nastiest virgin I've ever met" .. And I mean I guess it's true , I'm just not someone who can get "down" with just anybody and fuck them .
That's not my style . Yes I love men with a passion but I don't want to be sexually involved with all of them and most of the time not any of them ..
It's like this , I can sit here and give you detail after detail of what I wanna do and how I wanna do it and why but I'm not going to do anything with you unless Im in love with you.
And God has blessed the man who is in my presence when I'm in love with him 😏😅
It's not the nasty like porn star nasty , it's more passionate type nasty like say d'angelo or maxwell ..😂 if that even makes sense because that's just me and that's why I can't be with just anyone because I have too many emotions .

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