July 30th, 2016

36 1 0

As a woman I naturally put myself through the ups and down with my body.some days I feel bigger than I am and other days I feel smaller than I am. For the most part I don't think much about my body till its commented on or I wake up and I'm either loving it or loathing it.
Sometimes I do wish my boobs were bigger or maybe my ass and then there are days I'm grateful I wasn't given those assets. It's a never ending contradicting cycle. I believe that it's okay to feel this way , it's only a issue when this way of thinking causes you to be depressed and change who you are. But whatever makes you happy.
I either get "you're anorexic " or "you must not eat" and the truth is I eat just enough . I don't throw my food up and no I don't work out.. I have a fast metabolism. I think people think calling someone skinny or anorexic is a compliment . It's not . It took me a while to understand that this is how I am and I love my body for exactly the way it is .
6th and 7th grade I remember wanting to be bigger and wishing I looked like the other girls. Full breast , big thighs and wide hips .. I ate and ate and ate sometimes I ate so much I would make myself sick and I couldn't gain any weight. I was devastated , not realizing that this is just who I am.
I'm so happy I'm not like that anymore . I think is important for women to learn and appreciate their bodies. Being a woman we do some pretty phenomenal things and it's beautiful. I love my boobs and my ass , yes what little I have and i love my skin along with the my acne and my light pigmentation spots ...I love every part of me.
I I'll never let anyone bring me so low to the point where I am hurting myself to be like them. I'm an individual , I create not follow . As I said before as a woman we are constantly changing that we do struggle with our bodies on a daily and I struggle happily knowing that I am happy the way I am.

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