June 11th, 2016

163 9 1

For some reason I've always been in love with the idea of love . The idea of tranquility. The idea of having someone and them having you.
Sappy ? Yes maybe I am but that's just who I am .. One thing I do love about myself is that though I fall hard and I love hard , once it over its over .. 2 days later I am back at it again doing me and stress free . And the men? Well , the men always come back and I pretend as if I care when I don't but just to be nice I allow them to feel my presence again for 1 days after after than .. It's almost as if I've gotten my number changed .
I love that about myself because I understand that just because I have love now doesn't mean this is the love I'll have forever , doesn't mean this is the same person I'll be in love with and it doesn't mean that I won't even find love again.
We (humans) just need to realize that love is everywhere and can be anything.
Most men don't speak to me because they like me they speak to me because they themselves are lonely or they want something from me . Wasting my time is the epitome of the male species when it comes to me.
Though , these men should be fortunate to have someone such as I , sounds cocky but it's the truth . I am a woman of grace , a woman of power and a woman of peace . He should feel blessed to walk next to me. But they take and take and take from me . Never giving . Never loving . Always wanting .

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