August 3rd , 2016

48 2 0

I've been into my aura lately. I've been spending more time in my mind than I would like lately but it's been good ... Sometimes I try to conquer forbidden knowledge in the mental it that's like tryna fight with a sword in a gun fight.
Lately , sensations like touch , hearing & feeling have become sensitive .
Sensitive to my existence and I like it . I can feel all the pure entities around me. I believe I meet certain people for a reason.
I find beauty in not knowing what life is going to bring me next .. If I knew everything I'd always be bored . If I knew everything I might as well not live. Living and experiencing is what makes life worth continuing. If I knew everything that was going to happen and why ..there'd be no point in my existence.
We as people sometimes don't realize that being human is more complex than just breathing . We are beings crafted to create and to populate .
Lately , my body has been thanking me for my ways . I appreciate it . My mind has been its own novel . I think I like that .

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