July 9th, 2016

79 4 0

I've come a long way. Yet I still feel as though I haven't . The mind is a place that can make you believe things about yourself that aren't true, good and bad the mind is the most dangerous yet most needed thing in our lives.
I've always wanted a Benz , so I could drive around , seat low , music faint in the back group and me being able to be alone and have time to think. I've come to realize that a lot of the things I want I don't deserve , but I do have the right to long for them. After all I am ..Human and humans do inhuman things but that's kinda contradicting being that if we do them.. Then it's more human than anything.
Ive always wanted a Benz so I could wash it and give it a name . Blast my music through the speakers , the music I created , the music I put my love into and be able to feel joy in my soul knowing I achieved my goals.
I'm someone whose optimism reaches level that become unbearable . I am someone who doesn't give room for mistakes because I am on a short time span . I need it when I need it and how I want it . Selfish ? Yes .. Maybe but with all due respect I think it's okay to want to complete goals .

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