"Do you remember ?"

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Do you remember ?
Do you recall the way it made you feel.. Did your stomach turn ? Did your heart sink to your stomach ? Did your legs quiver ? .. Do you remember the sensation from the liquor down your throat? Did it burn or was it smooth because those once jagged edges have before immune to toxins .
Bags under your eyes , do you remember the way it felt to doze off into slumber or is that now foreign to your body ? .. Chipped nails , does it feel good the bite them ? Are you nervous or is it just a bad habit .
Man , you've sure got a lot going on , or should I say going off being you can't control what's being coughed up . You were in love with him but then he laughed at your sorrow .. Do you remember how it made you feel?
Chain smoker you are , lips damn near midnight as you paint them with Newport's.
I can't blame you for this but are you really going to let go because of him?
You were an angel now you wear Prada dressed up like the devil , murder each step in them boots girl , do yo thang.
But do you remember the last time you strutted up a hill bare foot while the wind was blowing ? Do you remember the last time you felt free ? ..
I wonder Do you look different in the mirror now . If what you see is the girl you knew a year ago. Do you remember yourself yet ? Or is it all too numb ?
How it made you feel .. Is what's important
Sad that you can't remember , I would've loved to hear .

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