July 18th, 2016

67 2 0

He reads my mind.
Reads the deepest parts of me without me sharing anything at all. I've never connected with anyone in that way. Similarities are of a mirror image . It's as if I'm looking at myself in male form .
I'm very amused by his holy presence . The very essence of his existence makes mine seem less important. Is it possible to be obsessed with someone ? You know like obsessed with the idea of them and the physical state of them ... If so then I am there.
The past few moments I've shared he's made me feel free and alive . I've been happy and my skin shows it , my energy shows it . Vibrant
If only you knew .. If only he knew how much it means to me to be allowed into his quarantine.
We aren't together and probably won't be for a while and I'm okay with that .. I'm okay with him being mine unconditionally.
I won't say too much because all good things should be kept close not given to vultures .

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