Roses are red, Violets are blue... (Harry styles one shot)

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*Play the song on the rigt, now*

Carissa looked across the room at the curly haired boy. He had a joint in one hand and a lighter in the other, but this wasn’t one of those everyday bad boy meets good girl and they fall in love stories, absolutely not. It was actually far from it. Harry Styles, The boy with the dark brown locks, was nothing like how he portrayed himself. He got straight A’s dressed sharply, never got in a fight, he has a butterfly tattoo for god’s sake, he didn’t even own a leather jacket, yet somehow the bad boys loved him…and so did Carissa. She didn’t know why but his clean style and “bad boy” façade intrigued her. The way someone so smart could act so dumb baffled her, and she loved that feeling. The feeling she got when he stole glances from her, or the moments they shared in homeroom together. It was all so much for her. She just wanted the curly headed boy to herself… She wanted Harry Styles…

It was homeroom. The class Carissa waited all day for. She longed for the hour and a half she had to spend with the infamous Harry Styles. She sat in her normal seat. The same seat she takes every day. Right in the middle so she can perfectly see Harry. He always sat in the front of the class, hence the straight A’s. Carissa always loved to look at the back of his head and day dream about a life with the Styles boy.

Carissa was deep in thought when a seductive, chocolaty voice filled her ears and broke her from her thoughts. It was none other than Harry.

 “Sit up front so I can stare at you today” he said seductively in her ear. With her cheeks flushed with pink and her breath hitched, she grabbed her bag and slowly walked up to Harry’s usual seat as he took hers.

“I’m loving the view already” He whisper-yelled towards her. Her face was now a tomato. She just prayed Harry couldn’t see her rosy cheeks.

“Pink is a nice color on you babe” He said; only making her cheeks grow more red, if that is even possible. The entire rest of the class the two spent their time looking at each other, giggling, and anything but studying like they were supposed to, which was a first for Harry, considering he always studying. When the bell rang Harry ran from the room as if none of that playful banter had just happened. Carissa was left stunned, confused, and a little hurt. Did she do something wrong? She thought that they were sharing a connection, but apparently she was wrong.

-----------------5 days later----------------

Carissa hadn’t seen or heard from Harry in 5 days. Now she is getting worried. He hasn’t been in his usual spot smoking or in homeroom flashing his addictive dimples. He was nowhere to be found…until today. Carissa just found a note in her locker.

Roses are red.

Violets are blue.

I’ve gone missing,

And that scares you…


Ok now it is safe to say that she was freaking out. H.E.S, Harry Edward Styles. What is happening? Why is he playing these games? The little note slipped out of her hands as she was thinking. It landed on the ground upside down. Was that another note?

Roses are red.

Violets are blue.

You can’t see me,

But I can see you…


She dropped the letter once again but this time from pure fear and shock. She couldn’t understand. Her head shot in every direction looking for the brown curls she had become so accustomed to. But she saw nothing… She went home that day filled with fear, confusion, nerves, but most importantly, excitement. She was excited to see what the letters meant. Was it something good or bad? She couldn’t know for sure so she just went to bed dreaming about what the tan boy had in store for her next…

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