You Don't Mean That ( Niall Horan/ Liam Payne One Shot)

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*Play the song to the right...NOW!!*

“Georgia! George! Where are you?!” Niall and Liam yelled in unison.

It has been 4 days and still no sign of Georgia anywhere. Liam has blamed himself the entire time she’s been missing.

“I’m her big brother, I should have protected her. She could be dead because of me…” He shuddered as the thoughts came into his head again. A single tear slipped from his eye as the thought of never seeing his little sis became a possibility.

“Bro calm down,” Niall said wrapping an arm around Liam’s shaking body, “I love her too you know.” Niall sighed.

“Don’t forget that I fell in love with her and that she was my first love. I know you’re her older brother and you feel bad, but she is the love of my life and I feel like shit for not being able to help her either. So stop crying because we will find her…Even if it kills me…” Niall whispered that last part so Liam couldn’t hear him. Then, it hit him too. He might never see that beautiful, brown haired freak; he calls the love of his life.

The boys walked and walked not finding any clue of where Georgia was. It’s like she dropped off the face of the earth. Their feet were tired and their stomachs were growling ferociously, but both refused to stop looking. As the light became dark and the wind chilled, both boys looked at each other with knowing looks.

“Mate, I think we have to call it quits for tonight…” Niall said with a damaged look on his face. Liam turned to him with a glare that could kill.

“What did you just say?! This is my Goddamn sister we are talking about!! We will NEVER stop looking for her no matter how tired or hungry you get!” His frustration in not finding his sister was getting to his head. Liam never thought he would ever yell at Niall like this, knowing that Niall loved his sister just as much as he did, but he did anyway. The anger of this situation was too much for Liam to handle and he had to let it out somehow.

“You can’t just go around thinking that your eating patterns are more important than my little sister! She is so good you don’t deserve her! You are worthless Niall! Georgia probably ran away to get away from your sorry ARSE!!”

Niall stood there shocked that his best mate had just said that to him. Tears pricked his eyes.

“L-Liam y-you don’t mean that.” Niall whimpered, his voice cracking in various places.

“No I do mean it Niall! While you’re complaining about your feet, my sister is out there somewhere alone and probably hurt! Now you can either leave or I can punch it the face and make you leave!” Liam screamed once again in Niall’s terrified face. Liam being taller, he towered over Niall’s cowering figure. Niall being the mature person that he is (only mature in this story, not in real life) he stood tall and didn’t contribute to Liam’s anger any further.

“Liam I know you don’t mean that because you were the one who helped me pick out a 8 month anniversary gift for George and for every minute you remain angry with me, you give up sixty seconds of searching for Georgia. By the way the only reason I said we should go in for the night was because it’s getting really dark and we won’t be able to see anything soon, not because I’m tired or hungry, which I am, but I wouldn’t let those things getting the way of US finding George. OK!” Niall spoke calmly but assertively.

Niall’s little show left Liam stunned but also made him realize that Niall was right.

“Li, I know you, and I know that you only said those things because you’re scarred that we might not find her in time, I’m scarred to, but that does not mean that we have to risk our own health in the process of finding her. We have being looking for her for 3 days straight with no rest a little food. We won’t be doing George any good if we keep going on like this, ok? Let’s go home, eat something, get some rest, and we can continue this in the morning ok? Ok.”

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