The Yearbook (A Harry Styles One Shot)

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play the song on the side right now*

Celeste POV~~

I sat there laughing out loud as I flipped through my old senior yearbook.

Everyone looked so different. I can’t believe how time has flown.

I graduated college 2 years ago and I still haven’t seen any of these people in years. I wonder what everyone is doing now-a-day.

I flipped a page and found the “most likely” page. My favorite page. I saw so many familiar faces

The first picture was of Louis Tomlinson.

Oh Louis. Haha I miss him. Under his picture it said “Most likely to go to jail for disturbing the peace”

HAHA that about sums up Louis for ya. He was always the one to pull pranks and crack a joke. He was a cheeky little devil I can tell you that much. We were really close. He would always come over to my house when I was upset, and make me laugh. His little giggle was infectious and his sass was undeniable.

He was such a wonderful. I wonder where he is now. I hope he isn’t really in jail.

I haven’t seen anyone from school since graduation because I got a scholarship to Julliard, and for all I know all of my best friends stayed in London. I miss them so much. It was really hard when I first got here.

I wasn’t welcomed at first. I was shy and nervous to meet new people. I thought they would judge me because of my deep cockney accent. I thought that they would all look down upon me since I couldn’t pay for this school on my own. But things soon turned around for me when I learned how to hide my accent while I sang and that most people attend this school on scholarships, most of them did actually...

Getting back on track, I flipped to the next page. I smiled when I saw the blonde headed eating machine.

Niall “Most Likely to get fat,” I giggled quietly to myself. That boy could eat. He was so much fun. I miss his energy and his crazy attitude. I wonder if he actually got fat…oh gosh…

Next page…

I smiled to myself when I saw my best friend on the page. Eleanor Calder.

Under her name it said “Most Likely to be a model”

That’s really funny. I was always jealous of her perfect legs and that thigh gap, it just wasn’t fair. A tear slipped through my eye as I remembered my dearest friend. I loved her so much. I told her all of my secrets and she told me hers. I giggled a little remembering the day she told me she was in love with Louis and I had to pinky promise that I would never tell anyone. Hmm I wonder if those two ever got together. They were always so flirty when we were in school; I wonder what happened. Maybe they are together or maybe they haven’t seen each other in years like me, oh that would be awful, I knew they always had something special.

I flipped to the next picture and my heart melted. My roommate and her boyfriend who also happened to be my bestie with the best jaw line I have ever seen.

Perrie and Zayn, “Most Likely to get married” that is so true. I have never seen two people so in love before even if we were only in high school. They were so cute together. I miss them spending so much time at m apartment. Zayn would always cook us dinner and Perrie and I would talk and gossip until the food was ready. I remember one time when Perrie came home without Zayn for the first time and she was crying because Zayn had gotten in a bad accident after she had yelled at him for some reason that I forgot. She cried on my shoulder all night telling me that it was all her fault and that she killed Zayn but the next day we got the news that he was ok and that we could go see him. She didn’t leave the hospital at all for the entire week he was in there. If that wasn’t love then I don’t know what is. I really hope they did get married because that would be a dam shame if they didn’t. I sighed flipping the page. I really hope I can find the one like they did.

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