Definately a Keeper (A Zayn Malik One Shot)

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*Listen to the song on the right, now!*

Zayn was freaking out. Today is the day he meets Kennedy’s family. Thanksgiving day. He has been anxious for weeks waiting for this day. He palms were heavily sweating as he drove Kennedy and himself to his death. Well that’s how he felt at least. He wanted to undo his seatbelt and jump out the speeding car and run away. Zayn had never been good with things like this. Don’t get it twisted, Zayn is a great boy. He was respectful, polite, caring, and sexy as hell, but for some reason he always got nervous and clammy when he me the parents. 

His breath started getting faster and faster as they neared Kennedy’s family home. He hadn’t spoken to Kennedy the entire 30 minutes they had been in the car, that’s how nervous he was. Kennedy and he have been dating for almost 7 months but somehow Zayn thought that he might ruin everything they created together with this one dinner. As he looked on the road ahead of him his head was buzzing with worst case scenarios.

Her family will hate me…

I’ll spill food all over her mother and her family will hate me…

I am going to puke on her brother and her family will hate me …

I will spill her grandma’s ashes in the kitty litter and her family will hate me…

He thought all of these ridiculous things, getting more outrageous with every possibility. The one thing they all had in common was that Ken’s family would end up hating him no matter what. He has no way of winning in any of his scenarios. He loses his respect and worst of all he loses the love of his life. He just needed to calm down and take a few deep breaths, which he has been holding in for a while, and everything will be fine.

As the drive grew longer and longer, Zayn’s imagination was taking over him. He kept getting antsy and more nervous by the minute. What he didn’t know was that Kennedy knew how nervous Zayn actually was and had devised a plan with her family to get him to relax.

Kennedy Pov~~

You remember the plan right mom?

I sent to my mom making sure Zayn couldn’t see my screen by laying my back up against the window with phone close to my face; it wasn’t the most comfortable of positions but it had to be done.

Yes honey and I have told everyone else the plan as w

ell. Are you sure this will go well?

Ugh my mum can be so stubborn sometimes.

Yes mum of course it will work, I came up with it. ;)

I know how nervous Zayn is to meet my family so I have devised a plan, a very ingenious one I might add, to get him “initiated” into the family. I came up with the plan a few weeks ago after Z kept saying that my parents would hate him and take me away from him and yada yada yada. So I called my mom and talked to her for about 2 hours making everything perfect.

The plan is to make Zayn Think that my family does hate, even though they all already love him. My mom was weary at first but with some convincing I got her on my side.

----------------------- at the House---------------------

Zayn and I walked hand in hand up to the front door. I rang the doorbell and looked at him with encouraging eyes as we waited for someone to answer the door. My mom answered the door and without even looking at Zayn, swarmed me in a ginormous hug.

“Mom remember the plan. Do. NOT. BE .NICE.” I whispered to my mother, loud enough for her to hear me but soft enough so Zayn remained oblivious. She nodded against my shoulder and took a deep breath getting prepared to be rude to a boy thinks is so perfect for me, which he is. She let go of me and faced Zayn. All she did was scrunch up her face like she smelled rotten cheese and walked back into the house dragging me along by my hand. I looked back at Zayn and just shrugged.

During diner no one talked to Zayn. They all just gave him the stink eye as he sat silently in his chair sighing every once in a while. I feel like at one point I saw a tear slip from his eye but he covered t up quickly pretending to blow his nose. I didn’t think he would take this prank so hard. Now I feel absolutely terrible.

Out of nowhere Zayn placed his fork on the table, slid out his chair, and excused himself as a single tear escape his eye. I looked at my mom with my mouth dropped. I started getting up but my mom stopped me.

“I’ll talk to him sweetie.” She said wiping her mouth and walking in the direction Zayn went.

Kennedy’s Mom POV~~

I walked into the hall and didn’t see anyone. I looked all around until I noticed the door slightly open. I started towards the open door when I was stopped in my tracks by the loud sniffles coming from the other side of the door. I peeked through the crack and saw Zayn crouched up on the steps crying his little eyes out. It broke my heart. I told Ken that this wasn’t a good idea. I opened the door and sat next to Zayn; he didn’t look up. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder.

“G-go away K-ken I don’t w-want to talk right n-now.” He said stuttering and his voice cracking every now and then. My heart broke even more if that is even possible.

“Zayn it isn’t Kennedy. It’s me Sandra. Can you look at me?” I asked rubbing comforting circles on his arm. Hesitantly, he looked up at me. I gasped at the sight of his blood shot eyes and tear stained cheeks. I can’t believe we I did this to him.

“Zayn what’s wrong?” I asked him even though I already know the answer.

“Why do you hate me? What did I do this time? What can I do to fix t? How can I change?” He asked truly wondering what the answers for those questions were. I can’t believe he truly believes that this was his fault or that he did something wrong. My eyes started to tear up as well. He just kept rambling and rambling on and on about how awful he was and how he wished he could be different.

Hard tears flowed down my face. He started shaking and hyperventilating until he just stopped talking all together. I wrapped him my arms and rocked him, the same way I rocked Kennedy when she was a baby. I swayed him in my arms.

“Zayn this wasn’t your doing. You did absolutely nothing wrong ok. You are literally the most perfect guy for my daughter and I’m so sorry we made you feel hated…” I couldn’t continue because my tears were overwhelming me. I felt something touch my chin as the salty liquid ran down my cheeks. Zayn pulled my chin up so I would look at him.

“Thank you for saying that,” he let go of my chin,” I guess I was just really nervous and not very confident. I’m really glad that I might in the future get the pleasure of having you as a mother in law?” He said making it a question at the end.

“I would love that Zayn. Thank you for making my little girl so happy.” I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. He blushed, how cute.

“Now let’s go inside and have a do over?” Now I’m the one asking questions.

“I would love that Ma’am…”

“Please Zayn, call me Sandra ok?” He just laughed and nodded.

He is definitely a keeper…


Since thanksgiving was last Thursday I decided to make a turkey day themed One shot. I really hope you all enjoyed this one.

This particular story is dedicated to Kennedy I hope you like it!!!

If you want a one shot just ask in the comments below or message me.

just tell me your name, who you want to be paired with, what the theme should be.(emotional, mysterious, heartbreaking, fluffy...etc.) and a little bit of a plot line.

Just know that you will be after the people that had entered the contest. So don't get mad if you don't see your right away because I had a lot of requests!!! :)

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