$1000 Dollar Stilettos (A Niall Horan/ Larry One Shot)

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Listen to the New Year's party mix on the side while you read. It will make it seem like the characters are actually in a club and are trying to talk with the music blaring and dancing and what not, so I hope you enjoy. I suggest you start it at 4:00!! Make sure to turn the music up REALLY LOUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Abby’s POV~~

As I am sitting here, alone, in this crazy party, my heart is breaking slowly more and more. I came to this stupid New Year’s Eve party with my best friend Harry but I haven’t seen him in hours. I hate crazy parties like this; the only reason I agreed to come out with him tonight was because I thought he wanted me to be his kiss at midnight but I guess I was wrong. I never told him this but I’ve kind of been… just a little…slightly in love with him. I even bought brand new outfit for tonight in hopes that he would maybe notice me.

I bought $1000 stilettos for goodness sake. Yeah I know, DO NOT JUDGE ME! I never wear dresses like this, I feel so stupid for thinking that extra make-up and a tight dress would get his attention. I turned in my chair and faced my empty martini glass sitting on the bar. It’s empty just like my soul. Ok that was a little dramatic but you get my point.

As I sat there on my little bar perch and wallow in my self-pity I down drink after drink; it’s not like I have anything better to do. I just wanted this night to be special; I wanted to feel special with Harry.

“Um…excuse me miss, is anyone sitting here?” A soothing voice broke me from my depressing thoughts. I looked up, not seeing green but beautiful crystal blue eyes that I could get hypnotized in.

“Hello?” he said again.

“Oh right sorry, y-you can sit here, I don’t mind.” Damn my nervous stutter. He giggled at my nervousness. Oh my god HE GIGGLED!!! That was literally the cutest thing I have ever heard.

“Thanks love, my name is Niall, um Niall Horan…” he stuck his hand out and I took it.

“well hello Niall Horan, my name is Abby Nielson.”

“Well nice to meet you Abby,” he said with a smile as he placed a kiss on the top of my hand. A bright blush spread across my face and I giggled. Now I’m giggling? What crazy powers does this guy have over me?

“So tell me, why is such a beautiful girl all alone on such a fun night, no hot date?” well I thought that’s what I was going to be here for.

“Trust me I’m not that pretty, I’m literally covered in pounds of make-up.”

“Well I’m sure that is not true. I know a pretty girl when I see one, and you Abby Nielson are very pretty. He said looking me straight in the eyes. That was the sweetest thing anybody has said to me…like ever.

“How would you know that you can’t even see my real face?” Ok to be honest, I’m just flirting now.

“Well let’s just find out then.” He reached down to grab a napkin and dipped it in his glass of water. He gave me a questioning look asking if he could continue; I nodded. He slowly placed the damp napkin on my cheek and slowly started wiping the make-up from my face. Still keeping eye contact he wiped away my eye shadow. Taking one last swipe at my lipstick leaving my face completely bare he put down the napkin and smiled.

“I told you, I know a beautiful woman when I see one.” He gestured towards to the wall of mirrors across from us. A single tear slipped.

“No one has ever said something so sweet to me before, thank you Niall,” he cut me off by placing a finger over my mouth.

“Call me Ni, and you deserve to be called beautiful every day because you are. Would you um…would you um like to dance with me?” A smile grew on my face as he wiped away my tear.

“I would love to Ni.” He giggled again. SO CUTE!

We walked over to the dance floor; the music was loud and to dancing floor was crowded, but we didn’t mind. As we walked I saw a short haired brunette grinding on Harry. I cringed a little but I guess if he’s enjoying himself, then all the power to him.

Niall and I stopped in the middle of the mass of people saying and grinding on each other. I don’t really know how to grind like that and I really hope Niall isn’t one of those guys.

“Abs, stop, I know what you’re thinking. I just want to dance. I’m not into all of that gyration stuff either ok? I am silly and I like to go crazy when I ‘dance’ if you could even call it dancing. So would you like to go crazy with me?” I smiled and laughed at his childish behavior. I nodded my head excitedly.

He grabbed my hand and started jumping to the beat. I couldn’t help but laugh at him.

“Ni, you are truly and awful dancer ahaha.”


“Touché” I laughed as I joined it on his ‘dancing’. This is really the most fun I’ve had in a long time. We danced awfully for hours as we laughed and got to know each other. I found out that he has a brother named Greg and I told about my mom getting a job which made me move to Mullingar.

“Hey Ni I’m gonna be right back I need to use the bathroom k?” I said as he let go of my hand so I could walk.

As I washed my hands after taking care of my business I could hear everyone counting down to midnight. I dried my hands and rushed out of the bathroom in search of Niall. I couldn’t find him through the crowd of sweaty people.




“Ni? Where are you?”



“2!”Ugh I guess I won’t find him.

“1! Happy New Year!” Everyone yelled, kissing the people closest to them, well, except me. I looked to my left and saw Harry making out with that brunette with the short haircut. When they broke apart I almost choked on my own spit. Harry was kissing a beautiful, blue eyed…Man… well I’ll just talk to him about it later, I don’t want to ruin Harry’s fun. In the midst of my thoughts I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. When I turned around I was met with the beautiful blue eyes that I have been searching for.

“Um Abs, I know we just me and all but...um… I was um wondering if…um…could I… can we…um…you and I…um…”

“Oh just shut up and Kiss me you stupid Irishman.” He gently grabbed my face in his hands and kissed me passionately. My entire body felt like it has been electrocuted, but in a good way if that makes since.

I know that this is going to be a good year…



ANOTHER ONE SHOT DONE!!! I hope you all enjoyed it!!

This One Shot was written for Abby (lyrics.tell.my.story) I really hope you liked it. Thanks for being so patient with me. ;)

***If you want a ONE SHOT just ask in the comments below or message me.

just tell me your name, who you want to be paired with, what the theme should be.(emotional, mysterious, heartbreaking, fluffy...etc.) and a little bit of a plot line. The plot is really important because it can get quite difficult to come up with completely original one shots on my own sometimes.

***If you want a SONG SHOT, tell me who you would like to be paired with and what song and that's it for a song shot, nothing else.

Just know that you will be after the people that had entered the contest. So don't get mad if you don't see your right away because I had a lot of requests!!! :)




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