Guardian Angel ( Niall Horan One Shot )

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Please listen to the song on the right, now for added affect...

Katie never though her life could get any worse. She thought that things would get better when she met the love of her life; but it only got worse. She thought that after her she moved from the home she loved, after the bullying, after her mom’s accident, after her dad’s drinking, after the foster home, after the suffering, that she had hit rock bottom. She wanted to believe that things could only go up from there, but she got her hopes up too high…

This is the story of Katie Marie Johnson, and how her life got even sadder after she met Niall Horan…

Katie POV~

I sat with my head between my knees as I remembered why I was put in the God forsaken foster home. I thought my life was over when I moved from Mullingar, to a small town in Texas. Then I thought my life was over when I got bullied every day at my new school for my “stupid” accent. After that? I thought I hit rock my bottom when my mom had the accident…


I heard a ringing noise. It was so obnoxious, and I just wanted it to stop. I just listened to the screams around me as I kept my eyes closed, afraid of what I might see. The last thing I remember was laughing in the car with my mom at a stop light. We weren’t doing anything bad; just waiting for the light to go green. I had told her this joke that dad had told me earlier. It felt nice to laugh and have a real smile attached to my face. It’s rare that I have one of those nowadays. We continued to talk. This was the longest red light ever, I swear. I started to get uncomfortable and wanted to adjust my seatbelt. I un latched it and started to shuffle when I heard a large crash! I woke up in the street with scrapes on my face. I opened my eyes just in time to see the car explode…with mommy still inside… I closed my eyes trying to wake myself up from this terrible nightmare but this was real. I watched my mom die as I laid there alive and barely injured…

Back to reality~~

I wiped my tears as that awful memory came back into my head. After that I had thought that my life hit rock bottom when dad started drinking…Then I thought maybe it’ll get better after the first time he hit me, then the second…third…forth…then I just gave up hope. My life was meant to keep going downhill. I remember the day daddy got sent to prison and the child services woman took me away…

As I waited my last few days out in the foster home, my hope for a happy life just kept getting further and further from me. I turn 18 in 2 days and then I’m out of this place….


I have been out of “hell” for a day now. I slept on the street last night. I begged for change and stole a blanket from a store. Now I’m sure I have hit rock bottom, please.

After a few days of living on the street something was looking up for me.

A beautiful young boy approached me while I begged for spare change. His eyes glowed like the stars that rose above my head every night. The intense blue was mesmerizing. Why was such a handsome man coming up to me?

“Now why is a beautiful girl like you siting on the side of the street?” He asked with a small smile on his face. “May I have a seat?” He asked politely and I obliged. He smelled like and angel and looked like one too. 

We talked. Talked about my life, his life, there were tears shed…on both ends I might add. He just stayed with me all day until the sun started to set. He left me on the street feeling a since of warmth that I haven’t felt since… Since uh my m-mother died. His warmth was inviting and his laugh was infectious. I haven’t had someone care about my feelings or want to know about my life in years; it felt nice, really nice.

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