Forever and Always (A Niall Horan Song Shot)

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***Listen to the song on the right while you read***

Cora was sitting at the table wondering where Niall could be. The hours keep getting later. He was supposed to be here, she thought to herself. She's sure he would have called by now, he always called if he would be late. She waits a little longer before going to the window, there's still no one in the driveway. She has called friend after friend, co-worker after co-worker yet no one's said they've seen him. Why, is something wrong? Her mind keeps going to awful scenarios of what could possibly be wrong. She looks back to the window in hopes that Niall would be standing there. Suddenly the phone rings. Cora runs as fast as she can to pick it up, tripping over furniture and crashing into tables. She picks it up but doesn’t press answer. She just looks at it, scared of what the person on the other end might say. She finally answers it on the last ring. A voice says something's happened

“Hello is this Cora Pedergrass? We have called to inform you about a Mr. Niall Horan. We aren’t allowed to talk about the issue over the phone so would you please come to the hospital as quickly as possible. You are Mr. Horan’s only emergency contact in the area and we would really appreciate it if you could get here quickly….there has been an accident…” She just stands there with the phone to her ear. She can’t speak. The phone falls from her hand and she runs out to her car and starts to drive to the Hospital. As she is driving, her mind goes to December. She thinks of when he asked her to with her forever; the final commitment. He bent down on his knees first and he said,

“I want you forever, forever and always through the good and the bad and the ugly. We'll grow old together forever and always”

She pulls up to the entrance of the place that is filled with death and she walks right to the front desk. A women dressed in blue scrubs leads her down a million halls, a maze that's never ending, causing her mind to race in a million different direction. They talk about what happened; she knows that the nurse is talking but she can barely hear her. She hears the words “car accident” and “might not make it.” She tries to keep a straight face as she walks into the room and sits by his bedside. She grabs Niall’s pale, cold hand, maybe a little too tightly. They talk about the kids they're going to have and the good life

the house on the hillside, where they would stay.

“Niall when you get out of here we are going to do all of the things we said we would but never had a chance to ok? We will go bungee jumping, swim with sharks and see a shooting star. Ok? We will go to Africa; we will kiss on the top of the Eifel Tower and watch a lunar eclipse. We will have a family and die old…very, very old, ok?” she says and Niall smiles. It’s a weak smile, but it’s genuine.

“Cora, I we will get married and find a beautiful and stay there forever, forever and always. Through the good and the bad and the ugly, we will always be together. We'll grow old together, and always remember whether rich or for poor or for better we'll still love each other, forever and always, ok?” He says and she nods her head not trusting her tired voice.

Niall stars coughing uncontrollably. Cora squeezes his hand tighter as she gets an idea. She calls in the nurses and screams for them to find her someone that is an ordained minister. They bring up the chaplain and he says a couple verses of a traditional wedding ceremony. A lovely couple from next door let them have their rings for they were almost one and would no longer need them. Everyone’s laughing as their tears fall on the floor. Cora leans down and looks into Niall’s eyes, and she says

“I want you forever, forever and always, through the good and the bad and the ugly. we'll grow old together, and always remember, whether happy or sad or whatever, we'll still love each other, forever and always.”

She finishes the vows but the beeps of Niall’s heart monitor are getting too slow for her comfort. His voice is almost too low for anyone to hear, but Cora can hear him…she can hear everything. As he says,

“I love you forever, forever and always

please just remember even if I'm not there

I'll always love you, forever and always” Niall says before the line goes flat. His voice fades to quietness and the room grows cold. A single tear slips from Niall’ eye as he slips into his eternal sleep. It slides down his face and lands on the ring that sat on Cora’s finger making it sparkle like it has never sparkled before. It’s like his soul was transferred into the ring causing it to shine bright. All of the tears that Cora had been holding in finally came cascading down here face. She collapsed onto Niall’s lifeless body as she left tear stains on the white sheets. The nurses lifted her from the body as some doctors rolled Niall’s bed out of the room. She fell to floor, drowning in her own sorrow. She was left in the room all alone…well not completely alone…the ring was still sparkling…

“Forever and always…” she whispered as she held the ring close to her heart…

“Forever…and always…”                                                                 .                 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------notes:      Well that was really sad. I literally almost startred crying while I was writing this. I had to take a brake so I wouldn't get tears on my laptop. So here is another one shot, I hope you all liked it and didn't cry too much.

This was written for Cora (Niall's_Princess). I really hope you like it. You asked for the song "Forever and Always" so here ya go. Thanks for being so patient with me.

***If you want a ONE SHOT just ask in the comments below or message me. just tell me your name, who you want to be paired with, what the theme should be.(emotional, mysterious, heartbreaking, fluffy...etc.)and a little bit of a plot line. The plot is really important because it can get quite difficult to come up with completely original one shots on my own sometimes.

***If you want a SONG SHOT, tell me who you would like to be paired with and what song and that's it for a song shot, nothing else.

Just know that you will be after the people that had entered the contest. So don't get mad if you don't see yours right away because I had a lot of requests!!! :)



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