Sitting on a Puddle (A Niall Horan One Shot)

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Maddison sat with love in her heart and Niall’s arms wrapped around her waist tightly as they slept. She was dreaming about a time before Niall, well more like had a nightmare. She remembered her life without him, it was awful but now with him in her life, she couldn’t be any happier. Every night she fell asleep covered in a sheet of warmth that radiated over her all coming from Niall’s body. She was happy.

As she kept sleeping, she dreamt of the last time she was sad, the last day she cried out of heartache, the last time her life was missing her blonde headed sunshine; she dreamt of the day that changed her life for the better, the day that saved her and pulled her away from the edge…

~~Memory~~ Maddison’s POV~~

I scraped my feet across the old tiled floor as I made the long, agonizing journey to my first class. I was hoping for as few incidents as possible. Even though I changed my entire image, people still picked on me for trying too hard and called me a freak who would never fit in. I changed my clothes from baggy sweats to skinny jeans but people called me attention seeking. I changed my toms to heels but people called me a wanna-be-whore. I started wearing make-up but everyone called me a clown. The one time I finally thought I looked good, my so called classmates where there to bring me back down to earth. I will never be good enough fo…

My thoughts were interrupted by something wet dripping down my leg… I screamed internally. “Shit,” I said under breath. I forgot that it’s my ‘time of the month’ I have about 5 minutes to get to class; I can make it to the bathroom with minimal stains and still make it on time.

I started speed walking to the restroom, not too fast where I would draw attention to myself. I kept bumping into shoulders heading in the opposite direction as I. I can see it. The toilets are in my view, and then my feet were swept under me and my bum hit the floor with a disgusting squish noise. I looked up to see two clear blue eyes staring down at me. I couldn’t look away from the beautiful boy I hated to love. He looked at me and held out his hand which I grabbed.

“Thanks Loui…” I was cut off when my bum hit the floor once more. He started laughing. He got down on one knee.

“Stay down there where you belong…freak,” He said, spitting in my face. I sat there stunned as he walked past me kicking the bag that held my tampons all the way down the hall. Shit.

I sat there with my head in between my knees and waited for everyone to get to their classes so I could grab my bag when no one was around. I could feel a small puddle forming under me and I could smell the awful iron smell that comes with blood.

I sat there for another 3 minutes until everyone was out of the hallway. I was about to stand up when I heard a lovely voice come from behind me.

“Are you okay love?” He said as I turned my head to face him. He stood there with a caring expression and not one of disgust that most people gave me around here.

“Oh just taking a breather,” I lied; too embarrassed to say why I was actually on the floor.

“Oh that’s cool, would you mind if I took a breather with you?” He asked, his pale cheeks turning pink. I couldn’t utter words because I was in too much shock that someone was actually talking to me without making me cry, so I nodded and he sat down next to me.

“Hi, my name is Niall,” he smiled kindly with no hint of this being a prank in his eyes.

“My name’s Maddison. My friends would call me Maddie but…” I have no friends. Even though I hadn’t said that last part out loud, Niall understood.

“Well Maddie,” He put extra emphasis on my name, “Can I call you Maddie I mean, or um I would like to call you that…um so um c-can I? I mean if that’s alright with you, I –I don’t want to be anoy-“ I cut him off placing my hand gently on his knee.

“Niall, that would be lovely,” I said, he blushed a deep shade of red…

~~No one’ POV~~

Maddie and Niall spent the rest of the hour talking until the hallway started filling with students once again. Maddie had completely forgotten about her “situation” until she had gotten up to give Niall a goodbye hug, after they traded numbers, and saw the red stain on the floor. She prayed that Niall wouldn’t put two and two together.

“Ugh Maddie look at what you were sitting on. Good things it looks to be pretty dry,” Niall said as he reached down to touch it; damn his curious young mind.

“Ni don’t you don’t know what that is,” Maddie said. Niall didn’t know what it was but Maddie definitely did. As they parted ways Maddie ran to the end of the hall to grab her bag. She was so happy that Niall hadn’t a clue what was going on with her body. Luckily she happened to have her P.E. clothes in her bag and changed in the restroom all while thinking of Niall…

As Maddie woke up from her wonderful dream/memory, she smiled looking over at the boy she married 4 years after that day. Niall James Horan The one that to this day still doesn’t know that that stain one the floor came from his beautiful wife. Maddie kissed Niall’s temple, lingering for a while, until she lay back down, snuggled closer to Niall’s body and falling back into a peaceful sleep…



YAY!!! Another one shot!!!!

This one is dedicated to Maddison!!!! I feel really bad because I cant find her username anywhere and I can't find it anywhere. I am so sorry!!! I hope you liked the story though!

I am so tired today I had my first day of finals today and it sucked. I mean i did well on the tests, I actually got a 100% on one of them, but it was just tiring, so I hope this one shot isn't too bad I almost fell asllep writing it and it took me forever to write today because I just couldn't focus for the life of me. Wish me luck though I have 3 more finals tomorrow and 2 on friday. :/

don't forget that there is a contest on another site that I write on and I would really appreciate it if you voted for me :)

here is the link -

Please please please vote for me...I never win stuff and I would really like to win this, not only for myself but for you guys aswell! If I win, these awards will be for you. For all of my faithful readers!!!!

Thanks again, please got vote now!! :)

If you want a one shot just ask in the comments below or message me.

just tell me your name, who you want to be paired with, what the theme should be.(emotional, mysterious, heartbreaking, fluffy...etc.) and a little bit of a plot line.

Just know that you will be after the people that had entered the contest. So don't get mad if you don't see your right away because I had a lot of requests!!! :)



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