Sorry I'm Late (A Niall Horan One Shot)

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***Play this song while you read*** . . . . Cindy's POV~~

"Shit, shit, shit," I chant as I run around my flat looking for my keys and my sheet music. Just my luck, One Direction asked me to write a song for them and I have lost all of the music I had written down; damn it.

"Oh screw it," I say grabbing my keys off of the floor and rushing out the door. I tap my foot incredulously as I wait in the elevator to get to the lobby...from the 38th floor; today is not a good night. I am already 10 minutes late and I haven't even gotten out of the building. A sigh of frustration, escapes my lips, tap tap tap... why is this elevator so slow. *ding* finally. The doors swing open and I adjust my jean as I stride to the parking garage. I hop into the driver's seat of my Mercedes and start the engine. I start driving out of the garage. As I pull out into the open air, I am blinded by the intense flash of the swarm of paparazzi outside my building. Oh great; I'm late and I have to try and not hit one of these bastards. I pulled a hat over my face and drove in between the mob of cameras and fans, trying really hard not to hit anyone.

I got onto the highway and started driving to the studio where the boys are waiting for me.

After 15 minutes of driving I finally got to the Syco recording studios. I ran up the stairs, being too impatient to wait for an elevator and I walked into studio A where the boys were. I opened the door and all the eyes in the room went straight to me.

"I am so sorry everyone. I won't be late again; I am so so sorry. I-" Niall interrupted me.

"Cindy love, it's ok. We were just goofing around anywhere, it alright. Don't worry about it. I blushed a little and nodded.

"One more thing..." I started, getting a little nervous.

"Well...I kind of lost my sheet music, so I was thinking maybe we could write a new song together? It would be even better than me doing it by myself. We could all pitch in our ideas; what do you guys think?" They thought about it for a second.

"That sound like a gr-" Zayn was saying when Niall cut him off,

"It sounds like a wonderful idea love," he said giving me a wide smile. Zayn just looked at him and a smirk grew on his face. Oh no.

"Well," Harry said "let's get this thang started!" He said in hi valley girl accent.

"Ok well, what would you like the song to be about?" I asked them. They all started thinking silently to themselves until Niall spoke up. He looked me right in the eye.

"I think the song should be about love," He said not breaking our eye contact. I blushed once again, for the third time today. I nodded in agreement, along with the other lads. So Niall wants a love song, that's cool, it must be for Barbara. *sigh*

"Ok, I can go into the piano room and work on a melody while you guys work on lyrics; does that sound good?" I offered. They all nodded and huddled up together as I walked out of the room towards the pianos.

I sat down at a beautiful black, grand piano. I slid my finger across the smooth ivory white keys, making quiet notes. I started playing random chords to get inspiration. A love Hmm...I can work with this... um I started pressing lightly on the keys as noted flooded my ears. Then it hit me like a brick, perfect. I played an F G Am F G chord. Wow that sounds beautiful. I just played that chord over and over again. It just makes me happy hearing new music being created. I started getting into the music and went onto a piano coma. I just kept playing what I felt, recording everything. I completely forgot about the boys. I wonder how they are doing.

After about 2 hours I had a really good song outline, with some room for tweaking. I walked back into the studio and saw the lads laughing and eating. What?

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