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Song: "Love the way you lie"- Eminem ft. Rihanna.


Everything was awkward. Mikayla could feel the stiff tension and it chilled her. What could have happened between the blissful couple?

"You better start talking," demanded Daxton. Mikayla listened eagerly.

She heard Nick sigh and fall into a seat. When he spoke, Mikayla was surprised to hear him sound so beaten and defeated. "It's all a big mess. I'm not even sure what's happened." She heard him move a bit. "I knew she'd come here and knowing what shit storm you got yourself with the paparazzi, I knew I couldn't leave her alone. Not that she wants me anywhere near her."

"What happened?" Daxton asked again.

"Mikayla," Nick addressed her. She turned her head towards the sound. "Please go check up on her. You're the only one she'll want near her right now and I need to know if she's okay." Mikayla gave him a tightlipped smile and walked away from the living room. She felt her way up the stairs, taking them slowly. As she walked, Mikayla thought back to the past couple of weeks. She couldn't come up with anything that gave reason to her best friends' behavior.

When she reached the second-floor hallway, Mikayla paused. She wasn't sure which room Annabelle had gone into. She'd try hers first and hope for the best. Mikayla turned left and walked carefully until she knew she reached her door. She opened it without thought.

"Mickey." Mikayla smiled. She chose the right room.

"Hey," she said carefully. Annabelle's voice was husky, and Mikayla wondered if she'd been crying. "What's going on?"

"Not so loud," chastised Annabelle. "Sofia finally fell asleep."

Mikayla moved towards her bed. She felt nothing near the end and sat down on it. She heard Annabelle sigh but still, she remained silent. It was driving her mad. "Annie B, talk to me. What happened?"

Annabelle sniffled. "It's a buildup of things really."

"Speak to me. You'll feel better to get it off your chest."

Annabelle scoffed. "I'll feel better to get away from him. It's why I came here, except the idiot followed me." Mikayla smiled secretly.

"It sounds like there's a big story here. I'm not of much use if I don't know what's going on. Daxton also wants to know what brought you both to his home, especially with the crowds outside."

"Speaking of," Annabelle drawled. "How's that going for you?"

"Don't change the subject. We're discussing you first."

"I don't want to," Annabelle whined.

Mikayla laughed. "Tough. Now spill."

Mikayla felt the mattress move and then Annabelle's feet shuffled across the carpet floor. Her feet moved quickly and every so often, Mikayla would feel a light breeze. Annabelle was pacing furiously.

"I thought I was over it but, I guess I'm not."

"Over what?" asked Mikayla hesitantly.

The pacing stopped. "Him leaving me for three months while I was pregnant." Mikayla frowned just as Annabelle let out a loud groan. "At the time I was just so crazy with all my hormones and all I cared about was that he was back. He said he loved me, and I thought, that was it, it was all I needed. Leading up to Sofia's birth and these months after, I've had no reason to doubt him. He's proven time and time again that he's sorry for his lapse in judgement. I really believe he wants us to work and that he loves me."

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