A world of perfection in oddness | One

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Chapter One: A world of perfect in oddness


Everyone has this one thing in life, that can escape them from reality, maybe for only a moment. Though, everyone takes time to savor that moment. Yes, life gets hard, troubles come our way. That's why we dream, we lust, we wish, and we use our imagination to explore a whole new world.

A world that could include the impossible, or the odd, a world where nobody criticizes the way your dress, or act. A world, where you have you dream self, and no the person you wish you had never became.

A world, that's perfect.

Though my world, is far from perfect.

My English Teacher, Mr. Acevedo, was babbling about god knows what this time. Honestly, little do I care, along with little can I understand.

My mind was too twisted with everything else rushing though it. Senior Projects began to be assigned today.

Oh, the terror, a project that you have an entire school year to work on. Well for some, including I, it was terrifying. I had a whole new life affront of me just nine months away, it was gnawing at me, yet scaring me.

Due to the degree I chose to take on- a writing degree of course- Mr. Acevedo, was the only option I had. For many reasons.

The obnoxious sound of the loud school bell rang, causing me to cringe slightly. As I stayed in my desk until the other students left to their lockers. When all students had left the room, I grabbed my books, walking up to Mr. Acevedo's Desk.

"Rebecca" He said slowly, staring at screen of his laptop. A strand of his black hair falling across his glasses. His eyes lifted of the bright screen, landing on me with a smile.

I nodded slightly, forcing a soft casual smile onto my lips, tightly holding onto my books.

He brushed his index finger along his jawline, pinching his lips together. I stood silently affront of him, my hair falling in my face, though I was to careless, and to nervous to move it.

"A degree for just writing, correct?.." He finally says, breaking the long period quenching period of silence.

"Indeed . . " I said quietly with a firm smile, I turned my head for a moment towards the door, rocking from my heel, to me toes.

"You have nine months to write my the best novel you possibly can, edited to the best of your abilities, every word with every little ounce of effort you have." He said, as he looked up at me.

"It will be due two weeks from graduation, if it's not done- well then all chances of a scholarship for you go down the hill for you. You have potential, I see a bright future for you."

"Thank you sir . . " I whispered softly, brushing my hair away from my face finally.

"You're excused, Miss Finely." He said with a smile as I nodded exiting the room.

I headed to my locker, to put my books away. Though soon enough I wasn't alone, my best- and over all 'only' friend, Jeremy, stood aside my locker.

"Sooooooo," he began with a grin, "how'd it go?" he asked wiggling his eyebrows with a chuckle.

"Pretty good actually." I said with a smile as I closed my locker, "Food?" I asked glancing up at him.

"Mcdonalds?" he asked quietly, smirking as an arm went across my shoulder.

"Fine you win, and you reward is to drive me there." I grinned pulling my phone from my pocket, checking the time, before stretching my back.

"Whatever you say, thy Royal Queen Rebecca!!" he teased keeping an arm around me.

Well maybe, some moments in my world, were perfect, in the most odd ways.



- Rachel Sierra

August 13th 2016

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