Bartolome de las Casas | Four

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Chapter Four; Bartolome de las Casas


I specifically use the word 'Lazy' to describe the outfit I managed to throw together this morning. More of the, I don't really care what I look like right now  kind of moral.

Honestly, it's not that bad. It's just a pair of jeans, a long sleeve shirt. and two different pairs of converses. That wasn't suppose to happen, but you know, why not become a trend setter!

With my Contrary converses, my pony tail, and my headphones blasting some random song off my unending amazing playlist.

I walked to my locker, opening it, sliding in the unneeded books, and then waddled off to class carelessly. When I got there it took a seat in the front, the people in the front rarely got called on oddly. I opened my book, quickly checking over my assignment as the seats around me slowly began to fill up, one my one. Being an early bird to class does have it's advances, believe it or not.


"Make sure to finish that essay on Bartolome de las Casas" My Latin American History teacher yelled out the door as the bell rang, and we all scattered. We all just gave him a subtle nod. Before going our own ways. 

I walked down the hall, alone this time, passing every locker I passed on the way there. Finally approaching my locker, I open it, throwing the stuff in without a care. Then grabbing what I needed and slammed it shut, a tad harder then intended.

I made my way down the hall again, towards the end of the hall which I sadly just came back from. Passing Jere's Lonley locker, Rowan's next, and then I began passing Luke's. That was until I unkindly got called over by my over exaggerative brother and his uneventful friends.

"Rebecca!" My brother said as I passed by, I came to a stop looking at him and slowly walked over after he gestured me to.

"What do you poor lonely souls want this time?" I asked quietly folding my arms, which then held my books to my chest.

"Well," Luke said quietly with a grin, "Lets chit chat shall we?" He asked shooing away the other guys, as I raised an eyebrow shaking my head.

"I don't even want to know what drugs you're on this time, but let me assure you, that's not happening."

He chuckled slightly at my not well thought comment, as I rolling my eyes sighing. "You have a minute." I said with a groan.

"Two." Luke said as he looked at me smirking.

"One thirty. don't waste it." I growled leaning against his locker waiting.



- Rachel Sierra

September 4th 2016

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