Frankenstein | Twelve

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     I dropped my plate full of plastic  and most likely hazardous chemicals onto the circular lunch table,  my ass plopped in the chair. Thinking of it, the hazardous chemicals I anticipate are in the nonedible lunches are school supplies us with, is most likely the reason for the entire school body's lose of sanity.  

     Now, most of you are probably thinking,  how did that get through school's food division health inspection, or most of you won't be thinking that, actually. Truth is, none of us know, more over though, none of us want to know.

     Away from the topic of health and food, I had a teenage boy rambling on about his pet unicorn. Yet on, I thought it's be an uphill road from middle school, in the topic of immature men. Oh, how was I clearly proven otherwise.

"Lets get this clear Man," Cole Legarman, typical bad boy's sidekick,  said as he gently gestured his hands towards him, his elbows on the table. "You have an imaginary unicorn named McFluffyPuff, who's coming to kill us all and conquer the world with it's deadly rainbows and endless marshmallows?"

"Duh " Luke replied, taking a sip from the water, a quirky grin on his face, almost a smile. Though I knew, I just knew he wouldn't give me the pleasure of seeing him smile. What was I to expect from a stubborn princess like himself.

"And here I though you were reaching the tip of sanity, my friend."
        Cole said with a chuckle as I grinned, shaking my head slightly as I used my fork to stir around the food on my plate, don't ask what it is. Because I have absolutely no clue.

"What?!" Luke asked with a slight gasp, a hand gripping his shirt as he made a dramatic face, "Never!" he said shaking his head dramatically and grinning at me, as if he just noticed I was there.

"And here I though I was suppose to be the dork," I snickered with a grin, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear as twirled the cap of the apple juice I had back onto the bottle.

"I'm not a dork Frankenstein, I'm an intelligent princess." Luke huffed as he looked at me with a wiggling eyebrow.

"Correction, you're a damsel in distress, oh and a princess." I grinned before I froze raising an eyebrow, "Frankenstein?"

"Thank you, Love." He said as he sat back in his seat, stroking his invisible beard, "Yes, I see you as a genius who invented the bright shining light bulb, of my soul."

"First off, it was Edison who invented the light bulb, Frankenstein was a doctor who invented grotesque creature. Large yet small difference if you ask me. Second off- okay there is no second off." I rambled as I smirked, before he threw a straw, still in it's wrapper, at me.

"That's even better, I can see you making hideous creatures in the future!" He said with a chuckle as Cole and Ryan, who had just intertwined into this conversation listened.

"You mean my future children?" I asked raising an eyebrow as I picked up my sandwich, taking a bite. Okay, I must admit, this wasn't that bad.

He went silent for a moment, more known as his small brain trying to calculate a smartass answer.

"Well, that went quiet."  Ryan announced, breaking the twenty seconds of silence that went on through the table.

"His small restless brain is trying to explore the mass of smartass." I added as I pulled out my phones yawning slightly.

    I always wrote down notes on my phone, little quirks, or sayings that I though were worth saving when it comes to the periods of time I decide to write. It always helps in moments, where my mind goes dull. I have many notes, and many quotes. So warning, anything you say or do, has a 99 percent chance of ending up in my novel, congratulations. The only problem was, is that pulling them all into one simple novel, may dumb the minds of the irrelevant. Sorry Luke.

"Very funny." he snarled, snickering slightly as he ruffled his fingers through his messy brown hair.

"As much as I love this little chit chat you two are contributing us too, I'm very uninterested." Cole added on, as he yawned slightly.

"Agreed." Ryan disclaimed with weariness, someone clearly hadn't gotten his sleep.

"Well, I have an hour with you nitwits, and if you're all ever so genius as you seem to proclaim you are, what should we do?" I asked with an eyebrow of mine being raised, glancing at Princess, who wore a firm smirk on his lips.

Now, just because I can handle him, doesn't mean I like him.  Just because we Bull shit each other out have an shitty nicknames doesn't mean anything. I'm only here to get what I want, and then I am to leave.  To act like nothing happened, because I know, nothing that will happen, will be worth remembering.

I folded my legs as I looked at the two waiting for an eager reply, or at least, a reply. I mean, they were unoriginal sidekicks of a foolish mortal,  so who was I to have my hopes up.

More of, to have any actual hope at all.



-Rachel Sierra

April 29th

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