A Low Quality Grabber-Doodle Session | Sixteen

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   If I had three wishes, I would wish for- One, endless money, because why the hell not! Two, All the books in the entire universe! Three, for my deepest demons to rise over Cole Legarman. Why?

    Lets take a nice walk down memory lane- more known as around five minutes ago, shall we? I turned the intersection that connected the east wing and the west wing. My feet were aching, since I ended up running to school. Ryan left without me, nothing new. Though, I was happy, bubbly inside, yet emotionally confused.

     Though, the walls of hell's emotions decide to go for a nice trample once my eyes spotted, the one, and only golden boy. Now usually, at this part, you'd hear how handsome he was, and gorgeous. And not how I wanted to stab his face off, irrelevant though. In the position I was in, and what my eyes were witnessing, was an image I was sure to never get out of my head.

     As I stood astonished in front of the Boy, and the girl who's tongue was practically choking him to death. They were irrelevant to my existence, though they were clearly not to mine. Now to phase my emotions, I wasn't angry, or sad. More over, utterly confused, both mentally and emotionally.

"Sorry to intervene this low quality grabber-doodle session, but I just happen to have a locker, and it seems to be the one your asses getting horny against. So, if you'll take you little fun show to somewhere it belongs. For instance, a strip club, or a bedroom. I'd widely be appreciated." I snickered as a smiled at the two, giving them a shooing wave. The girl left, though Cole didn't.

"I can explain," Cole said hesitantly, as he looked at me frowning.

"Oh there's no need, you've made your point loud and clear." I shrugged, giving him a bitchy smile, which fit the bitchy tone I was speaking in.

"What do you mean?" He asked raising an eyebrow leaning against the locker aside mine as I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, you're one of the three. Ryan Finely, Cole Legarman, and Luke Fennaro, the bad boys. The heart breakers. Looks like, all three of you have made your case, to file your reputation." I shrugged as I turned, closing my locker and walking away. I made my way into the center circle, as we call it. It was where all the wings connected, and it was always full and packed of people.

      I made my way over to a table where Jeremy, his friend Molly, were sitting. Though, as I plopped down with a grin, they were in an extreme battle of a thumb war. As I quietly chanted to them, "Fight " repeating. Finally, after awhile though, Molly won, and the gorgeous girl looked to me.

       Molly had dirty blonde hair that barely hit her shoulders, with hazel eyes, and a petite thin structure. But just because she was physically small, doesn't mean her confidence was. She could do- or more well attempt- anything at any place or time. It's something we all love about her, and it also gets funny as hell.

"Hello, my love." she says dramatically, grabbing my hand across from the circular tables, as I rolled my eyes laughing slightly. Her smile was one that could light up your world if you even caught a glimpse, as I quote. Jeremy has always had a, thing, for her. Though being the baby he really is, he's had no moment even close to confessing it.

"Where's the side hoes?" Jeremy asked with a grin, fixing the round framed spectacles.

"Somewhere getting choked by a girls tongue." I shrugged as I took a drink out of my water bottle, but just as I was to continue, there they were. All three of them, alone, laughing, and being the immature boys they really are. Ryan signaled me over to the table they were gathered at, as I groaned, excusing myself and making my way over there.

Making my way over was like Black Friday if everything was free, people everywhere. Though, i managed to stay alive, and my body ended up standing in front of the table they were sitting at. Peace on day, for the dear table, will be made, for it is diagnosed with idiotic-ness, from all who sit there.

"Thanks for ditching my ass this morning." I groaned at Ryan, as I scratched my head, and looked up at him. Cole, momentarily, was out of my bubble of existence. Ryan shrugged with a chuckled, scrolling through posts on his phone.

"Feeling any more.. Awake Frankenstein?" Luke asked as he looked down at his phone, not even looking up.

"Sure..." I raised an eyebrow, leaning over to seek what's on Luke's screen that's so important, and lets just say. Something I never wanted to see against in my life. But I simply rolled my eyes looking back at Luke.

"So what do you want?" I asked standing in front of the table, rocking on my breaking converses.

"Well aren't you going to eat with us?" Luke asked as he folded him arms, his eyes now drifting from his phone, soon turning it off.

"Nah not today, plus it's not even lunch dumbass" I shrugged, turning away, but soon I felt someone walking aside me. Clingy much?

"Believe it or not, my world does not revolve around you." I groaned as I saw Luke aside me.

"Oh really?" He asked with a smirk, as if the night before had never happened, or maybe I had just never seen it. "And, your world doesn't but if I stand corrected, your story does." He shrugs as we made it to an empty table.

"So?" I asked plopping down on the bend like seat.

"Ask me a question." He shrugs sitting aside me looking at me.

"Who took it? Who was the grand prize winner?" I asked as I bit my lip looking up at him.

"Mickey Mouse, damn it you got me." He rang in a sarcastic tone with a smirk. "But really, if that's what you want to know so badly, why should I tell you."

"Because you might perhaps have this cool invention called a heart?" I Asked opening my notebook where all my plotting was, honestly, I had everything plotted out. I just needed an ending conclusion, and names.

   Here's the thing, naming a character, is like naming your first child. It takes time, patience, or relatives who were really well named. Sadly, I was not exactly part of the category. But that's no crucial thing I feel to set free.

"Me? A heart? God who do you think I am?" He huffed shaking his head with a chuckle.

My hate was melting, yet freezing at the same time.  As much as I dislike him now though, I have more important uses for him than sarcastic one liners and terrible puns.



- Rachel Sierra

May 8th, 2017

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