How to be a Hypocrite 101 | Fourteen

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It's Official, plan my funeral.

    I thought to myself, as I followed the trailing footsteps of Luke's as we walked in the suspicious darkness. Now it's bad enough to say we were stuck, inside an old, rusted up building, and it's dark. Though, you may ask, what could be worse? Well, I can assure you this, not only are we stuck. This foolish dumbass has gotten us lost too.

    Sadly, I must add, it's not only his fault, I must take a tiny bit of blame, for I who refused to help navigate. Though, I was brainless enough to think we'd go into a large maze like basement, with no electricity, and not get lost.

"So . .  Bad news." Luke said, turning and coming to stop, causing me to senselessly slam into. Only I was to realized he was there a moment too late. "Ow" he whimpered and his arms gently slid around me. Ew, Human Contact.

"Sorry," I whispered, just letting a tad of an apologetic tone ring though my voice.

"It's fine." He whispered scratching his head slightly as he looked around, still keeping an arm around me. Than taking a moment to realize the, fairly awkward position we were in, and senselessly let go of me. "On to what I was saying."

"Of course, Princess." I groaned quietly beginning to follow him, great, now more walking.

"We're lost." He cleared his throat awkwardly, coming to another stop, but catching me before we had a replay of the previous mishap.

"No shit Sherlock." I mumbled.

       He scoffed slightly as I folded my arms, I was never a fan of the dark in the first place, or small places, so this dark small highway. Wasn't exactly the bet fit for me, and from what I believe Luke knew it.

I slowly slid down against the closest wall, praying it didn't, you know collapse. Though, to my surprise, there was Luke right next to me.

Here's the thing, there's the 'Bad Boy' and then there's Luke. He was bad when he wanted to be, or more known as, when he knew he could be. But really, with me, he's always been an asshole, not a bad boy. With the other girls though, holy damn. Even I - and this is saying a lot - am partially impressed.

"Can I go rot away in my sorrows yet?" I asked quietly, tilting my head towards him raising an eyebrow, my hands resting in my lap as I sighed quietly.

"Excuse me, did I just hear the slighty threat that Rebecca Finely, was on the verge of giving up?" He asked quietly, as I let out a croak that signified as 'yes'

"Well that's not happening," He said as I raised an eyebrow, looking at him, as my eyes slowly became more use to the tone of darkness we were stuck in.

"Why not?"
"I won't let it,"
"But why not?"

"Because you're Rebecca Finely, you don't give up." He said shrugging slightly, as I gently laid my head on his shoulder.

"Don't be such a dork," I whispered closing my eyes for a moment, biting my lip.

"Never." he whispered.

I wasn't planning on falling asleep, but here's the thing.

I don't control sleep, sleep- and food- control me.


By the time I woke up, I had a moronic teenage boy carrying me. I don't understand how girls can sleep with guys carrying them like this- how to be a hypocrite 101 - it's such a bumpy ride. I hadn't opened my eyes yet, little did I want to, as my mind censored to my surrounding environment.

"Are up sure you don't want me to take her?" I heard Ryan ask as the individual, who I had my bet on was Luke, who was carrying me bridal style.

"Don't worry man," The far too familiar voice said as his arms held me still as we walked, "I got her." Luke, of course, Ryan wasn't exactly strong enough to carry me long term.

I stirred in Princess's arms slightly, letting out a quiet groan before fixing myself so my head was more on Luke shoulder.

"Drop me, and I will smack you again, harder." I whispered into his ear as he tightened his grip, letting out a light chuckle as his walking came to a stop, and I heard Cole's car beep. I opened my eyes, looking up at Luke, then closing them when his glance came my way.

As much as I was a 'Ew don't touch me' type of girl, I was half awake, and very lazy. So like I was going to walk? No.

Luke climbed into the back, may I advise his arms still on me, sitting down and placing me in the seat aside him. Though now he obviously knows I'm more awake, from the sudden squeal and my arms wrapping so tight around his neck I might suffocate him.

I groan as I weakly buckled up, rubbing my eyes as I looked at Luke quietly saying, "God, what time is it?"

"2:38" he said with a slight shrug, a small smirk filling his lips. "2:38 PM, incase you were worried you slept the next twelve hours away."

"Very funny asshole," I grinned gently using be back of my hand to his this arm. He felt it, but obviously didn't hurt. "Wait. Did you say 2:38?!"

"Yeah . . " He said raising an eyebrow and ruffing his dark brown hair back letting it be a complete mess on his head.

"What about classes! I-" I was on the verge to drown myself in rambles and panic, as my eyes widened.

"Frankenstein calm yourself, Ryan called up the secretary, said I Broke my wrist, and that you and him took me in. And Cole was the only chance of a ride. Also that the Clinic had a long line. So you're fine." He grinned sighing as he sunk in the seat, his arms folding to his chest.

"Oh.. Good." I mumbled as I looked around, I saw Cole and Ryan talking outside the car.

"You should come over, tonight, Bailee would love see you." Luke suggested with a shrug, as I nodded in agreement. Bailee was his older sister, who was currently taking online classes, since she was home for awhile. She was always the big sister I never had.

"Alright Yeah . "

I whispered looking up at him.

Maybe, just maybe.

The Bad Boy , wasn't so Bad.



- Rachel Sierra

May 1st, 2017

A/N: Hello my amazing readers! honestly, feel free to let me know what you thing of the chapters, any improvements, or ideas. Feel free to open up to letting me know them. Or anything really! It's you guys that keep me writing this story. Hopefully it's thrilling you as much as it's thrilling me.

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