An unkind hello from the devil | Two

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Chapter two;  And unkind hello from the devil


   Thanks to Jeremy's Grandma Driving, and the long line at Mcdonalds, we barely made it back in time for classes, and that's saying a lot. Though after lunch, they day rushed by, and soon enough it was finally time to leave this flying airport of bitchy-know-it-alls.

   I stood at my locker, grabbing the needed books, and putting them in my backpack. As I yawned slightly. The halls echoed with chattering and laughter, my head spinning with thoughts of their own though. I soon closed my locker, walking towards Jeremy's hall to catch up with him, for my ride home.  

   I turned the corner, holding the straps of my backpack so hard my knuckles were tinted white. I let go of one strap, pulling out my phone, about to call Jeremy, since he clearly wasn't at his locker. All plans were on track until I smashed into a person and embarrassingly fell on my ass. Oh great.

   "Watch it." The guy growled from above me as he shook his head walking past.

  Luke Fennaro.
  Activity rate; sadly alive. I shook my head, getting up, after grabbing my phone, that surprisingly wasn't cracked. Luke was my step-brother's best friend, he was one of my best friends in elementary and middle school. But then highschool blessed him. Well more in my eyes, cursed him.

   I glanced behind me to him Luke glancing over his shoulder, along side my step brother, though he didn't even have a spec of sympathy in his eyes. Well, if he had any, he never showed it. He was rude like that, or just a large tease, at my house, he was actually kind to me. As if he was never rude to me in the first place.

And men say we're confusing pieces of work.

  I got up, shaking my head as I then called Jeremy, who told me he was waiting in the parking lot. I then hung up and quickly snuck out the school door, walking to his car and climbing into the passenger seat.

 "So he just pushed you down?- again?" he asked as he looked at me, I nodded, I quickly sent him the scenario while walking to the car.

"He's an asshole, really, what are we to expect?" he commented, as I then nodded in agreement.

"Exactly." I whispered biting my lip, my hair knotting  as I yawned again.

"Your house or mine?" he asked as he began to back up from the parking space we were in, his brown hair messed up.

"Yours." I said quietly humming to the music that I turned up not only moments ago.

"Got it your majesty" he smiled looking over at me, he always treated me like royalty, it melted my heart. He was a sweetheart, always has been.

By the time we got to his house, his younger siblings got off the bus, and ran to the house laughing and giggling. As him and I followed after them.

   "Good afternoon Rebecca," Jeremy's mother said as she gently took off he coat, she must had just gotten home form work.

"Good Afternoon Mrs. Bronks" I said softly scratching the back of my neck.

"We're working on homework, come on slow poke." Jeremy said chuckling as he dragged me up the dark oak staircase, the complemented the well chose light cream color walls. Not the ugly cream color, no no.

I quickly hopped on his bed opening my bag and pulling my books out.

My phone dinging as I raised an eyebrow looking down at it.

What useless message is it this time?



- Rachel Sierra

August 18th 2016

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