Fifty Seconds | Eight

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Chapter Eight: Fifty Seconds

       The clock stood 7:58 pm, as i sat at my laptop, typing, then deleting. The moment you need a grasp on creativity, it decides to pull away. I had my hair thrown up in a messy bun on the top of my head. My eye hurting a bit for staring at the bright screen of my laptop for such a long period of time.

        I heard the door open, but i was omit to the fact of it actually being someone important. I gently rubbed my eyes, and my back aching from slouching. I got up, wandering over to my bed, falling onto my back as footsteps echoed the staircase, which were loud enough for the neighbors to hear. The door flung open, so hard it could have possibly broke. 

      "Why aren't you ready?" Luke whined as he looked at my, my head turning towards the door carelessly.

"you weren't actually serious about that, were you?" 

"No, i was joking, i'm just here to casually remind of the joke." he said in a sarcastic growl as i sit up. "Get changed, you have two minutes- one minute actually" he said before walking out.

"You were here early anyways!" i said quickly getting up, walking to my drawers. 

"Fifty seconds!" he yelled walking down the steps.

       I pulled out a pair of jeans, and a white crop top t-shirt, then a black baggy zip up sweater. Also, don't forget my Minnie Mouse socks, call it childish all you want, let me know when I care? I yawned while Loosening the bun i wore in my hair and walking down the steps carelessly. My glasses framing my face, and the careless look on my face tying the knot.

         I got to the bottom of the steps, not even looking at the immature boy standing in front of me, as I slid my basic black and white converses over my precious Minnie Mouse socks. Attempting to tie my shoes quickly, which only made my fumble then have to start over, which took twice as long. The pressure is hard when one ties thy shoes.

"About time," Luke growled while pulling me through the door of my dear home, barely giving me time to even close it behind me.

"Can I  just go to sleep? Please! I promise I'll be good!" I whined as I got into the red sports car, hunching up and looking him as he got into the car.

"No! If you're asleep, there would be no point in you being there!"

"But what if the couch is lonely-"

"The couch  does not have feelings!" Luke said rolling his eyes.

"Be quiet! You'll hurt Mr. Couch's feelings!" I said smacking him with the sleeve of the baggy sweatshirt I wore. I sat back in the seat again with a huff, sending glares over to him.

"Couch's feelings do matter."
I quietly growled over to him with furrowed eyebrows.

"Whatever you say, Honey" He quietly spoke as he backed out of the drive way.

        The drive wasn't hell and back, surprisingly. Though after our small, disagreement, it was the worst possible kind of silent, Awkward Silence.  By the time we pulled up to a house, it wasn't exactly what I expected.  I expected music so loud the other side of the country could hear, or possibly red solo cups everywhere in sight. Along with extreme uncontrollable moaning coming from every couple of cars. This, this was subtle, a quiet street, which also made me suspicious.

"if you're going to kill me, do it quick." I said looking over to him raising an eyebrow as he got out of the car. He made his way to the passenger side, and opened the door for me, as I stepped out after unbuckling.

"If I were to kill you, I would have done it a long, long time ago." he said with the smallest twitching grin. He closed the car door, gently grabbing my wrist and pulling me down the street, into the parking lot of an old abandoned thrift store.

"What is this?" I asked quietly looking at him, a bit panicked.

"A short cut."
      he whispered as he continued to lead me across the trash filled parking lot.  As we soon stopped at a door, him knocking as a small part opened. Enough to barely see us, though we walked in. The music here, was pumping, loud, a dream party for those who want it.

    He lead me down a hall, then down a few steps as the room is full of people, people I see everyday.  All dancing, drinking, laughing, and well 'partying'. A few were getting rough against a wall, well things got awkward.

    Luke gently slide his hand from my wrist, into my hand. As he walked across the dance floor with others doing endless grinding and other body movements I tend to wish I hadn't seen. Not my style, and not my place.

"I'm getting a beer, want one?" he asked me as he let go of my hand.

     I shook my head no, from every book I've ever read, they say drinking makes it even better, but the thing is. If I'm stuck here, I'd rather remember how much I hate it, instead of forgetting how much I loved it. Because this was a once in a life time opportunity. Soon enough he was off in the crowd and here I was.

    For awhile I watched, just watched the smile, the laughing, and the fun radiating against the walls. Yet, here I was, sitting all alone on a black couch. Yawning as I closed my eyes for a minute, then opening them. Short Skirts, shirts, and dresses were really the theme here. Which isn't exactly surprising to the say very least. I gave up on Luke coming back after around 15 minutes, I mean he probably found a girl to hook up with already.

    I decided to go for a walk, awkwardly walking between groups or just a few people. As I found a staircase and headed up it, though it didn't lead to much. I sighed walking out the door and sitting on the step, rubbing my hands together in the brisk wind. It was warm, though the wind cooled it down sadly.

     I pulled out my phone as I checked the time, 8:42, I sighed as I looked around. Maybe if I snuck away he wouldn't notice, maybe even forget he brought me. Though, it got a bit to chilly for my liking, so back in we go. I went back to where I was before, plopping on the couch as I soon had a slightly alcohol-breathed Luke sitting aside me. 

"You look bored." he said quietly as I looked over.

"I don't look  bored. I am  bored." I said as I yawned as I glanced over to him still.

"Well I have a solution. come on." he said gently getting up and grabbing my hand again, leading me into a hall, than into a back room.

"Listen, if you're looking to hook up-" I froze as I looked at the group of both guys and girl sitting in a corner of the room laughing. Sober, mostly at least, and not skanky. I'll make it work.

"There she is!" A girl said in an odd tone, "Rebecca right?" she asked, as I gave her a nod awkwardly walking over.

"come sit!" she said kindly as I slowly sat down besides her, as Luke sat at the other side of me, aside some guy.

"Well, I'm Chelsee," she said with a smile, before pointing to the guy to the right of Luke, "That's Isaac, more known as the only other important person you need to know besides me." she smirked looking to the others who rolled there eyes.

 "well to welcome our new member, I'll explain what we're up to. Simple game, truth or dare, nothing out of the ordinary." the now known as Isaac said a he glanced a Luke with a widening smirk.

"So, Rebecca, truth or dare?" he asked looking at me as for a moment I went pale.

"truth...?" I answered hesitantly, my eyes wandering around as I panicked the slightest. Truth or Dare was never my teenager-sleep-over-game. Oh well.

"Ahh you brought an innocent one I see," Isaac said as his chin rested in his palm as he looked at me. I felt a bit uncomfortable, I'm not going to lie, but it could be far worse. As him and Luke yet again shared a glance as Luke smirked over to me.

"Well Rebecca, lets get right to the parts we all want to know."



- Rachel Sierra

April 29th 2017

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