Cookie Stealing Goose | Nineteen

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    The wind blew in our faces, as both thy royal princess and I sat on the roof. His gaze was drawn to the beautiful sky, as my feet locked to the roof, my hands not leaving the best grip I had. So we were a bit, well high up. Which made me, a tiny bit anxious and terrified I'd fall.

"Is there an earthquake happening I'm unaware of?" Lucas said as he raised an eyebrow at me, glancing between my hands, feet, and my face. A small smile on his face.

"Very funny, it's just that, we're up a bit.. how do I say it.. high.." I laughed nervously as I held on just as tight.

"Ah right, little Frankie is afraid of heights." he smirks as he let out a yawn.

     Tomorrow morning i'll be heading to some fancy five star resort, no doubt. Where everyone puts out their pinky finger and talks all fancy. Not that I'm complaining, well I am but still. I guess the thought is just dragging through my head, because I shouldn't be complaining.

      Somehow soon enough I was sitting normally on the roof, looking up at the starry sky. My mind was not captured by the fact that Lucas' arm made it's way around my waist. The only thing my mind was focusing on, was the beauty of the stars.

    But that soon came to an end when I had a bossy little brat princess poking me and whining.

"what is your problem????" I whined back as I turned to him.

"I'm hungryyyyyy." He whined childishly as I rolled my eyes. What am I suppose to do, summon a food god?

"Then go get food!" I huffed as he hung his head low sighing.

"come with?" he asked as he poked my cheek, causing me to smile slightly.

"Noooooo, princesssssss." I leaned away slightly smirking.

"pretty pleaseeee?" he begged as he hugged his arm. God, what a child.

      The moment I agreed, he started clapping like the little child he really is, and dragged me to the window and pretty much chucked my lazy ass in. We stumbled down the steps and into the kitchen like intoxicated pigeons. As he opened the fridge dancing around singing 'food' on the top his lungs.

  I reached for the secret stash of cookies in the pantry, climbing up on a very unstable shelf and almost falling backwards. But for the royal cookies, it's forever worth it. Though out of the entire pack I got two, two mini cookies. I had a teenaged boy eat the rest of my, my  cookies!

"You ate.. you ate all of them?!?" I said as he sat on the couch on his phone.

"Yup!!" he replied smiling at me.

"You.. you.. you cookie stealing goose!" I huffed folding my arms.

"cookie stealing Goose?" he asked with a smirk, nodding slowly. "I'm really offended that you called me a goose. Where are the tissues exactly?"

        I rolled my eyes, walking to the fridge and grabbing a can of soda, plopping on the couch next to him.


"Nope." I cut Princess off before he could even think of anything, taking a large swig of my soda smiling at him. He did some little adorable pout expression, thinking it would melt my heart. but with food and drinks hell, I ain't sharing.

   He whined as he poked me for a good five minutes as I just ignored him watching the tv, finally drowning in his own defeat.

"Believe it or not, you can get up, go get a can, and drink that." I commented watching the tv screen.

"but it's too far. It's like hiking through a canyon." he huffs as he went back to poking me.

"Canyon of the pathetic, developed by Princess Fennaro." I smirked as I turned my lingering gaze to him as I rose an eyebrow.

he chuckled leaning back and closing his eyes with a yawn. as my head fell onto his shoulder, placing my soda on the small table aside the couch. My eyes closing as I yawned, taking after lucas I see.

I soon was asleep, effortlessly, and carelessly.


July 11th, 2017

- Rachel

So this is short and Far from my best, but I've been so busy and out of it really. but it's something. heh

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