Color me Stoked | Eighteen

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So I have an idea, so what if I write the book that Rebecca is writing. Like and then kinda have it like a sequel to book here.

Anywho, the base plot will be put in this chapter.

and if anyone steals it I will haunt you down and I will kill you merc- with kindness. :)

The entire idea was thought of in my head, so if you've read or heard books similar to it, then like, sorry?


"Well, color me stoked!" My mother exclaimed, slamming open the door as she just wander in. Of course, I love my mother, but I also hate her at moments. This being one of them. I was typing up a chapter of the rough draft, for my still untitled book.

Though I have a plot.

A drastic high school Queen Bee, was walking the halls of her now hell hounded school. Every person was a peasant compared her, in her mind at least. Until golden boy, who yet dragged along a bad reputation, knocked her back to reality. Yet, he stole something so precious, so weary, her Virginity. And in an act of self punishment, she's dragging herself to find out just who stole his. Since no one knew, and no one could find out. But she's known to get what she wants. Every. Time.

Talk about shitty, huh? Anyways, it will probably change. Just as all my other books have. In which all are hiding in a binder in my desk.

"What happened mom?" I asked spinning my desk chair around and looking at her with a raised eyebrow.

"The Fennaro's have invited the family along to their weekend Vacation!" She said as she smiled, her beautiful brunette hair falling in her face.

"Why..?" I asked quietly as I scratched the back of my head awkwardly, sitting crisscross in the office chair.

"We've both agreed our two family's have grown apart in recent months, and Lucas and you drawing close to each other again has brought up the idea." She smiled as she gently walked to my closet, opening it and grabbing my duffle bag from the top shelf area. Then throwing it onto my bed gently as she walked over, kissing my head.

"Pack up, we leave early tomorrow morning, okay?" She kindly spoke out as she gently stopped walking in my door frame.

"Yes Mom." I forced a smile as I sighed, over the pass two days, Luke brought up this three day vacation thing. Three days being we have Monday off, for some holiday which none of us care about pretty much.

I groaned quietly as I dragged myself off the spinning chair, and to my duffle bag. Unzipping it and biting my lip. I went and picked up a few swimsuits, since he told me they were going towards the coast, and planned on going to the beach. When he brought it up, he never brought up the intention of us coming alone. So, I'm going to assume he had no idea any sooner than I did. It's not exactly like the Fennaro's don't have the money for anything like this anyways.

By the time I was packed, I heard a knock at my bedroom door, as I quietly let out a 'Come in'.

Soon I saw Molly and Jeremy, who I both invited over while packing. Jeremy had his hand on Molly's waist, which brought much suspicion to me. Molly snuck away though once they were fully inside the room.

"Three whole days?" she asks as she looks through the clothes on my bed, I could honestly care less about what Jeremy saw. I mean one time he packed for me, but that has a very long story behind it.

"Three whole entire deadly days indeed." I replied as I checked everything I would basically need for any vacation. Then began packing the things into my duffle Bag, once I finished, I plopped aside my bag onto my bed.

"I'm Sorry Becca." Molly sighed slightly has she smiled sadly, though she almost screamed the opposite. Which only spiked my curiosity more.

"Eh, I believe i'll live." I sighed and shrugged slightly. I guess, for once I should give positivity a try? So here it is. I mean really, Luke can't be that bad on a 24/7 basis.. Right?

She got up, leaving Jere on the floor alone. Walked to my shelf of books and a few movies. Pulling out one of my favorites and turning on my TV. I smirked slightly as I pulled Jeremy up onto the bed, as he helped me come place pillows to make it comfy. I gently snuggled against the wall and the pillows. As Molly came and snuggled on the other side of Jeremy. Then cuddling up next to him- there it is - and what did I tell you. I know a secret relationship when I see one, though this is obviously not very secretive.

The movie that was now playing on my TV screen was given the beautiful title, Heathers. Pretty much, people kill these people, say it's suicide. This place blows up, but wait, no it doesn't. Dramatic and rebellious. The mostly polar opposite of me.

I was officially sent to the sector third wheel, being driven to see the cuddling and close touching of Jeremy and Molly. Thanks for the clarification? Though, later on my door creaked open as Princess - and if you still haven't caught on, then Luke - popped his head in, signaling me to come out into the hall.

I snuck off the bed and walked into the hall, closing the door behind me, and stood in front of him. "Yes Princess?" I asked as he looked at me oddly. I say oddly because it was as if he did something wrong.

"Can we talk? Roof?" He asked as I gave him a gentle nod. The roof was always our talking spot as a kid. Our parents still tend to have no idea, what so ever. Maybe because you can easily get up as you can get down.

I followed him down the hall and into the bathroom, opening the window in it and looking to Luke to give me a hand up. As he always did. His hands gently snaked around my waist, as he boosted me up to the base of the window. As I gently held myself up, managing to swing a leg over, and then the other. Thankfully the window was big. I took a deep breath, climbing to the middle of the roof area, and sitting facing the street.

Soon Princess climbed through the window, as he then ended up beside me with a slight sigh.

"Chaos is what killed the Dinosaurs, Darling." He said quoting Heathers with a the corner of his mouth turning into a slight grin before it went back to normal. When all of us were still close, I made him watch both that and the musical about a million times.

"How's the book going?" He finally asked after I was done giggling and shaking my head like an idiot.

"Good, good, I was actually on a roll until my mother came in and informed me about a trip I'm stuck going on with this rich family. The Fennaro's I believe it was." I smiled slightly as I turned slightly to face him.

"I had nothing to do with that!!" he joked as I nodded with a smile.

"I know, like you would want to deal with me, more than you already have to?" I teased with smile as he looked at me.

"Frankenstein, never  one day in my entire life will I find someone who's as mentally unstable and odd as are." He chuckled with a slight look of confusing on his face from what about he said to.



- Rachel Sierra


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