Four am therapy meetings | Ten

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   By the time I woke up, I was in my cozy bed. My warm body was cocooned in in my heavy and warm blankets. I sat up, rubbing my eyes with a yawn, glancing over to my clock, 4:37. I glanced down at my clothes, same thing I wore to the party. How did I end up here though?

    I shook my head, climbing out of my bed, quietly opening my door and tip toeing down the dark hall, my hands feeling for the walls. I made it to the steps, quietly going down step by step. When I made it to the bottom, I walked into the kitchen flipping the light switch that shined over the stove. I bit my lip, reaching up and grabbing a glass, quietly turning on the faucet, and filling the glass. I heard a few footsteps come down the stairs, probably Ryan.

     I turned around to see my lazy step-brother grabbing another soda from the fridge, I rolled my eyes quietly speaking,

 "Have you even gone to sleep yet?"

"Honestly? No. If mom and dad ask, Yes." He shrugged leaning against the counter aside me as he yawned.

    Another set of footsteps sneak down the staircase, a shirtless Luke appeared into my sight. Dear Lord, see, my brother shirtless is something I've seen my entire life, his bestfriend- well whole life too. Though, it still makes me awkward.

"Aw, come on guys, having a secret cult meeting where we all hold hands and talk about our inner feelings without me? ouch." He smirked grabbing a soda, opening it and leaning against the counter and taking a sip of the Dr. Pepper he opened moments before.

"Yes, Luke, we were just beginning, come join our therapy of the mind, and heart. Tell us how you're feeling." I rolled my eyes pushing back the slightest grin, taking a sip of water.

"Well, I feel as if my bestfriend's sister, Rebecca, is excluding me from group activities."

"Well, isn't that just devastating- and also not my problem," I began with a slight smirk, "You, Luke, and Ryan, can go pour your hearts out after I'm gone."

  I grinned dumping out the rest of my water into the sink, before passing them and slowly heading upstairs.

"Goodnight" I mumbled before heading back upstairs and falling into my bed, yawning and curling up into a ball before falling asleep again.


   My alarm blared into the depth silence, as I jolted up, rubbing my eyes. Slipping from the- of course now- comfortable sheets. Goosebumps filling my skin as I shuddered walking into my small bathroom.

   After taking a quick shower, I walked out, picking out my outfit. Which ended up to be plain white t-shirt with dark blue jeans, a loose sweatshirt covering my arms. As I brushed my hair before skipping down the steps. Hoping onto the stool, leaning my against my arms on the counter of the island we sat  at.

   My father placed the plate down in front of Ryan and I, who were alone at this point, which held pancakes and sausages. As I quickly stole the first pancake and put it onto my plate. Grinning as I also snatched a sausage, taking a bite of it anyways. As Ryan rolled his eyes grinning, pouring syrup onto his plate. Before slowly handing it to me, cutting a piece of his pancake with the fork, then scoping it- with syrup- into his mouth.

   "So," he- he being my father- said turning to us, as he lean against his palms on the lower area of the counter, "How's your guys' project going?" He asked yawning.

"Great!" Ryan replied without a hint of hesitation, as I nodded slowly smiling. My father nodded as he glanced at the time then us.

    I slid out of my seat, and ran up the steps, with Ryan stomping right behind me. I got to the bathroom brushing my teeth and rubbing my bare face, shrugging and running downstairs, and out the door I go.

   I Saw Jeremy's car there, a grin filling my lips, as I ran to the passenger side, hopping in.

"Hello your majesty!" Jeremy chuckled as I buckled up.

"Good Morning peasant" I joked as he grinned at him.

"How was the late night party?" he asked chuckling, pulling out of the driveway.

"God, lets not even talk about it."
    If we're being honest, I have absolutely no clue on how I feel about it. I enjoyed it, but I also didn't. If that makes any logical sense? yes? no? possibly.

"whatever you say, Queen Becca" he smiled over at me, each single freckle popping off his nose and upper cheeks, his light brown hair messed up. And his dimples shining brighter than the  sun. The ladies, well even I- I hate to admit- sometimes enjoy staring at this work of art.

   Though, he did draw his own kind of attention, he didn't take it to pride, and it melted my heart. Because well, I haven't lost him to the self confidence popularity tends to give you. Well at least in my eyes.

    We soon arrived at school, as Jeremy parked the car and I climbed out.

"I'll talk to you later, alright?" he asked, gently leaning against the side of the car, his door still open.

"Uh yeah," I said smiling as I swung my bag over my shoulder, heading towards the front doors. 

    Supposedly, Luke was driving Ryan to school. Meaning, they should be here any moment, if they're not here already. I got to my locker opening it, moving my hair from my face, and glancing around awkwardly.

    It was suspiciously quiet, which was never a good sign. I shook my head out of it, putting my bag and books into my locker, fixing the small picture I had of Jeremy and I from freshman year. Him and I have had a long rough history. Though, the outcome was worth it.

    I yawned as I closed my locker holding my books for first period, as I began to walk down the hall, taking a left in the direction Luke's locker was a few halls away. That was until an arm snaked around my waist causing me to jump as I looked up.

"Morning Princess"



Apirl 14th, 2017

- Rachel Sierra

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